Making Choices in Life: How I Personally Broke Free from Being a Slave to Being my own Boss

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Hard to believe that was an average day pictured there, working my hands to dust in the dirt of Earth

Tonight I wanted to take a little moment to begin opening up to my growing friendships here withing my mini following community rising. I love writing to you about crypto, the endless possibilities of trading, and make you some graphics to use on your blogs. This though is a moment I should make a tradition to really let you guys know who I am, where I come from so I will do my best to give you little snippets of my life now and then, because true friends never hide who they are.

That picture above was taken a little over a year ago. That was exactly day for day how dirty my job back then made me. To think this picture was taken in the wee hours of the morning shift makes me cringe a little looking back. I worked hare back then as a pipe layer (snicker your jokes here lol), my job consisted of installing main water lines back then for a construction company in my local area here in North Florida. Day to day, I would get in some very scary deep dug holes and put in ungodly sized and heavy water lines with danger at every corner. The company I worked for was worth multi-millions, no small company to say the least and the company consisted of hundreds of crews all over the area.

I scraped by a lot during this period, see working for the man (as we said to ourselves daily) was not a path to anyone's riches, just enough to get by and keep afloat with the bills and tax man stacking against us. Sure you go home feeling beat and sometimes mad at the world for the hours of scrubbing that took place to clean the filth off of you but you did do something for your family and that was the positive flow to keep going.

As time when on and the year got longer and longer I became very down about the course my life has led. See I am a man with a past, some of it I boast proudly and some I fear to even utter a word about. I am human and I have made a ton of mistakes in life, due to the karma of my past my opportunities were very slim as I got into my 30s. Sure I lived right but my younger self really put some costs on my chances for stability in the finance area so I like so many others in the world just sucked it up and figured take what I could get and run with it.

Happiness though was not in this job, it grew and grew more obvious as the days passed by. Sure I met the woman of my dreams during this period and she stuck by me when I was miserable but I knew in my heart something had to give before I snapped.

Then came the literal boss from hell

During this period I bounced between two construction companies. I grew to find out in this field you have to kind of work your raises by leaving to other companies and sell yourself up to a raise. Seemed sticking in the same place mean being stuck with low pay so after long advice I left to work somewhere else for a simple dollar raise. Boy did that come at a price...

On my first day I knew instantly the personality of the foreman and mine would not mesh well. The guy was crude, unrelenting on the guys and rather watch you die of thirst vs you miss any quota on him. I have never in my life met such an unhuman character but over time under his reign I did come to find out he appreciated in some fashion the hard work I gave.

Around last November though this all came to a head. It wasn't me being picked on but the new boss from hell was constantly running off new guy after new guy. Leaving me and another guy having to pick up the slack and constantly work like slaves because he couldn't keep his anger and madness in check. The stress in my life last November was so bad I wondered if it would come to hand to hand combat with this guy to calm him down, and on occasion I seen close calls of other guys about that fired up with his inanities.

As I always did though I just tried to stick it out, unsure if it was lack of belief in myself back then or just fear of change. In the end I just took the drama and kept showing up to work, day after day.


Me at work, this photo was taken around that stressful time, think you can see it on my face

A Hurricane and a Moment of Clarity

Last fall we had a bad Hurricane that hit our area. Nothing major but enough of one to shut things down for a week. Before the coming storm hit we had to do what they call "safe up" the construction site. The task was to get all equipment and material safely consolidated in an area and tied down so the coming storm didn't blow stuff around thus creating danger for the local neighborhood. It was rainy that day when we went in to do this but nothing new, had to work in the rain many times before due to this guy being a get used to these things.

Something shifted that day though, I witnessed my boss from hell get onto our Back Hoe operator who happened to be at the time a friend of mine. The guy was a pretty decent worker and was out there with us getting soaked but our boss as usual was not happy and took it out on all of us. The two about got into a huge fist fight, me your narrator here of course in the middle as always trying to calm everyone down. Long story short the crew ended up walking off the site and quitting, I with them. The uncertainty of where my money would come from was not stronger than the fact I personally had enough of being someones step stool at work, I had to get out of that situation so walking at the time seemed to be the only option.

A Thing called Crypto

Now you would probably guess this was a stressful period, lost my job, and actually me and my now fiance back then ended up losing our place to stay. Family of course looked out but hard to believe this period was not stressful at all. During that moment I was doing a ton of reflecting. I come to the conclusion within my self that I was still a bright guy here and this line of work I was doing was going no where for me no matter how hard I tried to work it. I had clarity over stress and a nudge in my spirit to make some changes fast before life eats me up alive.

Along the way I found out a thing called Bitcoin had grown up a lot compared to my first dealing with it around 2013-2014. This intrigued me a lot while I was job hunting and it kept calling to me to look into. This is a story I hear from a lot of crypto enthusiasts, that it just gnaws on them to look deeper into and once I did I was hooked.

Ever since I have been working for myself. Not perfectly, a lot of trial and error has taken place since last November but I took my tax return and invested it. Went to work for awhile with PIVX in their marketing and found out I have a knack for that area like a calling in life. Granted I have job hunted throughout all of this, but around my area its very scarce so I decided to dive in with the blessing of my fiance to make more of this crypto thing.

Did I make it? No to be dead honest I am still in progression of making it here in crypto. Steemit seems to be the spot for me as I get deeper into it and I believe the game changer for us here but I am still not counting my riches. To be fair and honest I hold what I hold in my wallet here on Steemit and that is truthfully all the earnings I sit on as I write this. This though is not a matter of worry, we survive and make ends meet, just to have some freedom to work towards the future on my own terms is a huge factor for me to feel relieved about for the time being. In the end I am a work a holic by nature and sure I will make a good run of things here and on my Steemit Blogger Central venture to help the community. Right now to be dead honest, I fear nothing and feel a wealth of peace for the fact I finally have gotten the balls enough to not succumb to the slavery I experienced in my last job ever again.

I share this little story with you for one reason only, to let those out there struggling know that maybe its not something they have to feel stress over or endure constantly if they are not happy with their situation or life. You do have the right and freedom to make wild decisions for your life to follow your heart. You can break free of doing things you do not feel joy in doing. My story may not have lead to a place of wealth as of yet but I will tell you this, I have found hope and happiness again through that choice to become my own boss. So far Steemit has me that opportunity to do so on my own terms and working at PIVX gave me the knowledge I had gifts in myself I was not aware of. These are the things you find out when you take a risk in life and a risk on yourself sometimes. To me that is wealth and that is the key to the beginnings of a life long passion of happiness.

So the moral of the story is this, never give up and do what feels right for you and your might surprise yourself what you can do with a little self belief.


Follow me @sflaherty


very inspiring and great story, Im still beating my head against the wall at the J.O.B. but Im doing this thing and some other avenues also with crypto, I know its not a get rich quick thing and it is a gamble, but you have to take a chance and make a change when doing the same thing over and over again doesnt work you know the definition of insanity, that is why the adventure of nowherehomestead has come to life, some have checked it out and it will be in full swing by the end of July, but its going to happen and I am trying to get content out the support the adventure, I hope I am sharing some value to the steemians, always upvote comment follow and resteem, build each other up

It may not be a true get rich quick format anymore in crypto but if you put effort in and time it will provide some stability I believe, like anything it takes a lot of work and dedication. I am here to support you in anyway I can with Steemit and I really appreciate you reading a little bit of my back story. I just lucked out gravitating to the right people within crypto and them believing me, PIVX was my turning point when I worked for them to realize I have to do work to make it in crypto. Just keep at it, take those extra gains and build yourself up, there is a way to free yourself from anything you do not love doing but you got to do it as wisely as you can

Bravo to your courage to share this very personal story, and your hopes for the future. I'm in a very similar boat, trying to make ends meet as a freelancer. I found Steemit, and while I too have yet to see huge returns, I'm still convinced that there's room here for me to put in the work to create valuable content and be rewarded for it beyond what I get working for others (and not getting much credit for it). Resteeming!

I kind of wear my heart on my sleeve, never been to fearful to share my life with others. I been through a lot of ups and downs in life and kind of hope that maybe a little snippet of my past now and then could help others to know no matter how bad it gets its all in the attitude and how you roll with the punches. Personally though I am great, overcame that tough spot thankfully as far as not needing to return to that crappy job lol. Keep at it, you write really great stuff here and I suspect like a lot of us on Steemit it will just take off out of the blue for you. I will help you where I can, you just gotta come by though and tell me when to post something, I get so many emails now its hard to remind myself to swing by and resteem key peoples posts lol,..its literally starting to take off so much I seem to work overtime now lol. You will do great and we as a community will make sure you don't get left behind, that I can say for certain with this group here

If your experience working for yourself is anything like mine, then "working overtime" is par for the course, lol! For example, I'm currently at my desk typing out a transcript for my last video, to be posted to my website. It's 10:30 at night here! But it's all good. If we all hold each other up as a community, maybe we'll all find success!

You know my pain then, lol. I work like a madman, I was up last night till 2am I think working. When I helped out over at PIVX marketing for them I worked ever day for months from morning till midnight minimum and 7 days a week lol. I think though its less like work when you do it for yourself so you lose track of time because you are focused and enjoying it. So easier when you answer to yourself for once. I think I can make something of this, just got to keep writing different topics, not bore you guys and really work hard on that Steemit Blogger Central I created, that I think will do more for others than myself personally but I rather make friends by helping vs running around begging for followers lol...just isn't my way. I got you though, when you post that new one let me know and I will put it on there for you. I am about to call it a night here, I live in Florida and its almost midnight lol. But I will be here first things come tomorrow. Thank you for reading my little piece of life story, I promise I will try to share more personal stuff in the future, I view you guys as new found friendships so I think its only fair to let you all know who your friend Steve is

Great story thanks for sharing, its inspiring to me cause I don't currently have a normal day job right now either so I am trying to make it big here and with some crypto trades and stuff like that.

Then we are doing the exact same thing lol. I am mining for daily income, send a little in for more Steem Power and just doing all I can to make something of this. Luckily I did work in PIVX for that few months so that did boost me in way of getting a better PC and having the tools to go on with crypto. Biggest thing is this, I feel free for once in my right and also seeing the future instead of living pay check to pay check. I may not be bringing in a lot right now but I am seeing my savings grow here so I figure a good year of working hard with Steemit and my Steemit Blogger Central pages could turn my life around. I still dabble with trading but more or less now full time with this. As long as I don't get writers block I should be fine lol. You need anything let me know, I am here for people like you taking a risk and challenging the future for yourself.....its a commendable thing to me for someone to charge of their own destiny

I wish you the greatest of success. People like you are the true agents of change.

Wishing you great success in return. Honestly its just about taking a little risk on yourself I am learning, dig in and find those talents are run with it in hopes its not a nutso decision lol. I really appreciate the kind comment, just followed you and hope to hear more from you

Much appreciated. I'm glad you followed your gut. This crypto ride is going to be a blast. Looking forward to keeping in touch and comparing ideas.

likewise, always about great conversations here and meeting people plus building friendships. I have a feeling we are in for a ride, way crypto is booming its only a matter of time we will see so much unfold around us.

Very nice man. I'm used to having dirty hands I have a hard time believing I'm working unless my hands are thrashed. lol

lol...oh trust me I spent most my life that way, always working hard and hardly making a dime lol. Being dirty don't bug me but making $300 a week for 50 hours in the dirt and a dangerous job, that didn't fly with me anymore. I guess I just had hit my impasse to say its time I take charge of my life and focus on my natural talents. I respect all the guys I did that work with but man there is some aHoles out there to work for lol

You aint kidding. its all they know it seems. they'll never change.

Probably won't but when I drive by my old boss in a Ferrari one day he will reap the day of reckoning lol. I have little dreams in life and that is one I hope to have come true lol

Id like to buy a Lamborghini with salvage title at an auction and pay everyone I used to work with to fix it. lol

now that is a serious plan lol. Hire my ex boss but keep sharp objects away from him and give him a few valiums lol....he is a car nut on the side so if you can tone him down some he may be of some use hehehehehehe, now we got some plans to get this Steemit stuff off the ground.

@sflaherty That was heartfelt. I'm glad we typed earlier. Contact me whenever you need.

Just came what good conversation brings. I really appreciate our chat earlier, really got me to open up to the crowd here. Likewise my friend, you always feel to contact me anytime. First thing in the morning I will swing by and resteem a few of your articles to Steemit Blogger Central and try to get them coming your way...least I can do. About to call it a night but thank you again for the talk, we will do this thing and take charge of our lives

We will grow on this platform together. Dudes with their backs to the wall will do what is necessary. I appreciate all the friendship I've felt this evening. You did a great job.


I think your response is quite stoic. What did you mean by your response?

I agree, I always tend to vote for the underdog in anything. Its really what this crypto movement began as, a bunch of guys working together to build up something bigger than themselves. I figure if they can do it back at the early stages than we can do it now. You need anything you let me know, here in all honesty to not only help myself but to help those who are fighting for similar goals in life. Got my friendship easily

Upvoted and resteemed neighbor! Totally know what you're talking about.My son-in-law used to work for JCS and they made him stand at the bottom of a sinkhole to measure how deep it was!! He was 18 then. Thank goodness he works for himself now too. Keep up the good work :0)

I have heard horror stories about JCS lol....thank God he survived that and got the heck out of there. I was working for Vallencourt Construstion. Company wise they were okay, little low on the pay but the guy they put me under out there should have been removed years ago. Only thing I can figure he knows someone at the top or he has something on them lol. I am just glad at the moment I am taking charge of my own life for once. Doing things I enjoy, may not be making a steady full time pay check right now but I am putting in the effort for my future self and I think that is way better than what I endured the last couple of years. Sometimes its riches when it just makes you happy, money isn't everything, that can come in its time.

Amen to that! We've been living with that mindset for some time now, otherwise you go nuts. Glad you've made the change while you're still young and able. Looking forward to more posts!

I have always kind of lived on my own terms but I guess for a period there I slipped down the rabbit hole of conformity and sucking it up too much out of fear of falling into the poorhouse again lol. My younger years I always did what I wanted, even chased the dream of being a touring musician and did that for a long time but it lead me to the wrong type of lifestyle and as I got older I tended to just conform and do average jobs to better my life. What I didn't get what that I could chase dreams and also live know that I found that blend I am now off chasing new dreams full time again.

Inspiring!!!! Upvoted and followed ya!!)))

I really appreciate that, just followed you back. I figured let the community know where I came from in hopes it does give others a little hope that sometimes the scary choices are the better ones. Keep in touch, really good to meet you

Thx for the great story. Think there are many of us out there living the same turmoils. All the best mate.

I really appreciate that. Just followed you back. Personally I am starting to see a lot of us are here in crypto out of need for change. Its a little scary to take such leaps of faith but maybe my story can give people hope that the outcome of happiness could lay in the future for those of us who say enough is enough and take charge of our own lives. I also created a page on Twitter and Facebook I call Steemit Blogger Central, using that to help others in this community by resteeming their articles and promoting them through that to get them some support. When I get a chance I will swing by your profile and check out your writings, hook you up with a few resteems. I figure help others, help myself and the future will unfold itself far so good lol. Good to meet you

I could not conceive that anything like this would come along when I quit working full time 2 years ago. It's been a rough and fun ride but I finally feel like freedom doesn't require me to sacrifice my security or my values. We are kicking ass already, let's keep it up!

That is truly amazing that you look back and see the same thing as myself. Trust me I seen some super low times, stuff that will come out I am sure in little snippets of articles, losing a job was probably the fun side to life for a bit in my past but I found no matter what I go through I tend to be very resilient to letting it make me bitter. Seems crypto and having this Steemit caught up to me at a time I needed something like this the most, little like fate intertwined with my life which I am hopeful means the karma is finally shifting back to the plus side seeing I make positive life choices again. You need anything let me know, I followed and I also run Steemit Blogger Central on Facebook and Twitter, I resteem peoples posts over there to help them grow as a way of paying if forward and everyone is welcome to be apart of that. Really good meeting you, hope you keep in touch

Life is all about making decisions. Some of them will take some time; some of them won't. Some of them are easy to make. Some of them don't. But every single decision is pushing us further to where we belong and who we want to be to our friends, to our families and to the world we're living in.
Behind every great man there stands a great story; stories of great privations, aberrations and sometimes but only temporarily the lost of belief and trust! Cheers!

Very well said my friend. I agree, greatness is only achieved through trial and error and self reflections at key moments in life. I weigh success on many levels but the biggest one is someone that learns from mistakes and runs towards a positive direction after they are schooled in life. Only one way but up from here.

This post gives me a lot of encouragement sflaherty. Sucks having to go through the daily grind. I plan on quitting my job when I feel the time is right.

Its always wise to think the next step out before you act. I only did as I did out of the rushed need to do so. Lets just say I was so worn by the situation I was in it was effecting my home life, I was dragging feet about going into work more and more daily that it had no choice but to stop. Normally I always advise people to plan ahead with changes but if your gut says this move on will benefit and you feel that in your bones then more than likely that is an opportunity starting to knock. I am noticing I am less alone in this area now after posting this here then I realized. Seems a lot of us here are in a transition of sorts and trying to grasp a more free living lifestyle of doing what we love. The system seriously had a lot of us as slaves out there. Now I do get we need work like this out there or we won't ever develop a future as humans, some of us have to start in laborious jobs but I don't think we are paying those in there right and letting some immoral souls boss us sometimes. Once we shift that power to the individual and people can choose their lives for themselves then I think companies will start respecting its employees more.

Right there with ya bro. Been there, done that. I'm a carpenter and lucky enough to make my own hours now, unless I'm busy. But I've been in that hell of employment by a company with a-holes above you and all around you. It drains the life out of you as evidenced in your picture above.

Crypto is just an nice addition to my life. I think of it as my retirement. I know that the tax man is gonna eat up over half of my earnings here and trading though, so I'm just letting it all build.

Best of luck to you.

Yea I was looking a little worn out in that photo lol but I promise the life came back to me sense. It really wasn't the work, I am in great shape for a fast approaching 40 year old but when you got a moron for a boss who delegates as a torture game and he gets kicks out of seeing people break, it really wears you out lol. I have been in construction, had my own tile business once and worked as a sales rep for Coca-Cola actually once, start of my marketing background lol....tell you this, if I am not my own boss I suck at life lol.

Crypto itself has made ends meet but I have downsized a lot in life, living very simple as a sacrifice for later. I figure use Steemit as a long term goal like a savings and keep working this Steemit Blogger Central thing. Options are limited my way on work so I gotta keep at it in this manner with hopes but so far so good.

Tell you this, to be stress free now is way worth having money lol...I personally love that fact at the moment the most. All the best my friend, really appreciate you reading my little life story, figure give you all a bit of who I am and where I come from now and then

Nice post. Love the image of the whole crew telling the boss to go F himself :D

I just wrote a somewhat similar post about how I found freelance freedom, if you have a moment I'd love for you to check it out. Cheers!

Great post, just finished reading it. It appears we see the same path ahead there and both taking the chances to free ourselves for our future. Always great to meet someone taking charge like I am. Just followed you and upvoted your article...look forward to more of your work

Cheers thanks!