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RE: A Post I Tried to Put Off but Our Family Needs Serious Help For my Father and His Health

in #life8 years ago

I truly thank you for the support on this. It just pains me to see how much good my dad done in our family and for the country here to be just constantly struggling through no provocation or reason for the constant bad luck and karma on him lately. Even if I hand over a few hundred between this post and my previous posts it could just dent some of the stresses so he can start to focus on more positive aspects of what he needs to do and that is take care of himself. My dad does a lot of putting family before himself but right now he can't do that anymore so I need to push him towards losing that stubborn side to fend for everyone. Thank you for helping me on this, I just followed you and hope you keep in touch, will keep everyone updated on what happens


Please continue to help your father, for me you are a great example of how a family should be !! love and be loved, by those who did so much for the family !! i want to see more posts about your father !! :)) sending all positive energy !!

Couldn't agree with you more. Sometimes we take for granted all the sacrifices our parents do for us to give us life and a good life. I even admit in my younger years I was a huge pain to my parents but nearing 40 now and at that age where you can see the light of what they did do to having kids of your own. Its a thankless job and now and then we should take a moment to thank them for keeping us alive and well. Really appreciate you seeing that nature and hold that value, hoping more people view these things the same way. Definitely will keep you and everyone posted on what happens. I am with a positive outlook as tough as he has been through this he will overcome and be granted many more years with us, just a scary moment but we will keep it positive for him

After a life time we see that money or anything material that we cling does not matter without family or someone to share, your father knows this more more than anyone, for helping and caring without expecting anything in return !! he deserves another time with the family.In those moments no one better than his son to take care of him and the family as he did!!I'll continue sending you a lot of positive energy!!!:))

Such wise and true words, and your right he deserves these golden years as a time to relax and enjoy his family. Sad the way the world is to make the older hard working crowds suffer till the end but with hope maybe I can stop that outcome here for my father. Thank you for the positive energy when its needed the most, helps a lot

All the best for you and your family!!:))