in #life7 years ago (edited)


Today I want to share with you a "Lesson Learned" that changed my life. Back we go to 1989. I was 41 years of age and in a terrible time of my life, although to see me, you would have thought everything was great. Up to that point it seemed as if things were going along fairly well. I was brought up thinking that hard work and smarts would always bring about success and it had up until the previous 5 years.

So what had changed? Well - I moved away from a successful career in finance to open my own business. 5 years had passed and times were challenging to say the least. Not only was my business in trouble but so was my marriage.

For about 2 of those 5 years, I had been searching for answers. Searching - searching. I was led to reading all of Ruth Montgomery's books on reincarnation and somehow believed what I read. It seemed good - I mean, if I failed in this life, there would always be another opportunity! This belief seemed to help me cope for awhile - but only for awhile.

Next - I joined a 'transendental meditation' group - you know a place where you lay on the floor with perfect strangers, empty your mind and hum - the result was supposed to be 'peace'. Again, it seemed to work for awhile - but only for awhile.

Next - my husband and i were vacationing in Brazil where I met an astrology expert - purported to be the best in Canada. For 2 weeks she worked on my astrological chart that claimed to show success, success in my future. Again - I found comfort for awhile - but only for awhile.

Things just went from bad to worse. My marriage broke down and my business continued a downward spiral. Not being one to give up easily, my husband and I worked through what seemed to be the main problem in our relationship and were reconciled. We renewed our marriage vows and now it was 1989.

Having no one to share my business woes with (as I didn't admit how dire things were to anyone, not even my husband), I spent a lot of time alone in my office or in my car away from prying eyes, crying and hoping for a miracle.

Here I was on one of these occasions (November, 1989) sitting alone in my office - totally despondent. As I was brought up in the church I did believe in God, so I guess what seemed like a last resort I cried out to Him. I'm sure there wasn't an audible voice but I did hear from Him.

He said - you need to come back to me - you need to find a church home. Right there and then I opened the yellow pages and began my search (of course, at the time thinking this was all my idea). As I went down through the listings, my eyes fell upon The Salvation Army. Fortunately, I did know they were a church as I had an aunt whose family were members of The Salvation Army. Although she hadn't ever talked to me about church, I always felt there was something different about her and that difference was the way in which she loved me and supported me. So I picked up my phone, called to check out where they were located and when their services started - and 2 days later entered into their doors for the first time. That very Sunday - my search for answers began and in a way ended.

Since that time, my husband and I both became not only members of the church, we became pastors.

Did God fix my business - No he didn't. But His plan for my life was so much better. He spoke into my Spirit and let me know, He loved me and my future was in His hands. So - for the last 27 years - I've been a follower of Jesus and that, my friends, is the LESSON LEARNED.

If you are ever in a predicament that seems impossible - I hope my story will help you to seek out the only One who has an answer. God is waiting for you - just as He was waiting for me. His answer is His Son - "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in HIm shall not perish but have everlasting life."