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RE: Share your touhgts! Steemit life changing story

in #life6 years ago (edited)

first of all i really say thank you all of you steemians and also specially you for encourge steemian and me always @damarth you are a good man in steemit from all others and that you give us a big and new hope to stay here for alaywas with your rewards
i am a house wife and have a daughter 7 year i spent my all time in home with my daughter and was some borig time when i had not any work. one day my brother told me about steemit but truely i had not believe on it but i registerd here and start it and shared my post then got some small upvotes then i saw the other acounts and that in start we make a intorduce post and i made an itroduce that time i was so excited when i got some big upvotes and specially your upvote on my intorduce post was big than 6$ that was my first big upvote which i got from you.; then i was start it with a hope and then after some time i got upvotes daily and a small earning which was realy better and now i have my own income and earned from steemit 5000+ usd in 3 months from steemit which are in my saving acount, now i sure and a strong hope that after 2 month i will buy my car and sure in 2 years we will buy a small apartment with my steemit earning and also my all steemit earning is for my daughter bright future because i realize it , that if i work on steemit and give some more time i will earen minimum 3000usd per month which is too much for me and it will be in one year 30000 which will complete my all dreams and goals
steemit give me muc and a hope to get every thin in my life which i will need and dream
thank you @damarth for gave me a hope to stay here and now i am so happy that i am not late to join steemit