Each time I read one of your posts, I feel so blessed to know that you are walking this path with me. Even though we never connected on the physical realm, I believe we are connected deeply on the spiritual realm. Each post strikes the spirit within me.....that is truly rare in this world of hustle and bustle.
The reason @surpassinggoogle is everywhere is because the spirit within is released. When spirit is unleashed, it is everywhere. A person is limited where he or she can go but spirit requires no limitation.
Thank you for reminding me of what is important. It is crucial that I am reminded to let spirit shine in all I do. The fictional construct we all assemble is easy to believe yet it is an illusion.
It is an illusion to think there is difference between the two of is....it is also an illusion that your mom is gone...her spirit is with you every second of the day....you are engulfed in her love the same as the day you were born. It never wavers.
In commenting on @surpassinggoogle's post today, I didn't know where to start from, not because I was lost for words but because it filled my mouth to overflowing capacity. The journey started, time passed, a lot happened, even tragedies. It did not alter a man's course, it did not leave a young boy disillusioned or bitter , it did not break his will or faith but rather, he found strength in negativity, he built integrity from tragedies. From helplessness, he forged hope in others. In the school of life, he was not toughened to become a menace but toughened in all rough and raw edges to become a masterpiece, a rare gem, as exquisite as vintage wine .
Look at you Terry! Cut out from the finest of pedigrees, chiseled by divinity to uplift humanity! Greatness can never be greater achieved than this.
Only a Super man, a Mega being would have been able to accomplish this feat. I see heaven's mandate upon you, making you achieve the impossible. You are just so wonderful !
I am so ecstatic for the mention. Thank you for being mindful of a little drop in mighty oceans.
@surpasssgoogle is truly doing a great job no wonder he is so much loved & cherished by all
Thank you alot for maintaining constancy everywhere i flock
Late happy birthday @surpassinggoole. i missed your birthday.
@edith4angelseu almost all we human experience bad time in our life as God wanted to see us how strong and capable we are to handle the situation. Life may become tough and teaches us many lessons. we need to be brave enough to face unexpected situations in our life.
I read your post and i always stay speechless because you cover everything and sometimes it is shocking. Just a few people in the entire world, can grasp these things completely. Hahaha i have not been around the world but i am so so so sure
you have not been around the world, world are in the you.
Deep calleth unto deep Terry, and maybe because I have passed through much pain myself, I am very well able to appreciate your frequency and then tune into it. But believe me when I say 'you are specialest'. Thank you for the shoulder that I lean on.
Very special
Happy Birthday sir Terry I have this special post for you
Happy Birthday @surpassinggoogle.
Words won't permit me to open up my heart and say all the things I want to say, but I wish you long life, more grace, more achievements and success.
Keep growing, keep touching lives and keep aiming higher.
Once again, Happy Birthday
Thank you alot
Glad to see you again @surpassinggoogle
and are these your pictures, You have a Beautiful family!!
Stay Blessed and Thanks for being here with us
you are adorable and an inspiration for all Steemains
And #HappyBirthDay. . . May You Live long
Thank you alot
I feel you bro. He's also one of my let's say, favorite steemian here in steemit ^_^
The amazing thing is; "no lies involved". One steemit, there are people who have come to know me and even behave like me but it has not been because they have come to know me; it is mostly cos of the reasons you have stated here.
Said all I have to say..and more. Couldn't agree more!
Very good comments. @surrpassinggoogle is a big role in success of all steamians.
He is such an amazing person
Good deeds never go unrewarded
God bless you
Happy birthday @surpassinggoogle
Thanks a lot @taskmaster4450. U say it well, that is who @surppassinggoogle is and this is collection also speak of future from childhood.
The boss just ans this question are u the one beside ur sister.
I cant wait for the ans, it show dat right from small u when density to promote, guide, protect and shared from the small u have.
U are the boss
sir @surpassinggoogle looks cute back then. Happy Birthday sir thank you for inspiring us. God bless
Very wise comment! You snatched my words a bit :P. Losing one of the parents is a grief moment , no matter, at what age you are. To live by imagining the love of parents gives you an inner spiritual relaxation and comfort zone.
This one is for the Mothers in heaven who look down from above. Happy Mother's Day to @surpassinggoogle's mum and the best of birthdays to the man Terry who keeps surpassing human expectations. He indeed is the awesomest version of himself, forgive me if such a word doesn't exist, for sometimes we do lack words to describe such amazing personality.
Keep shining big bro. God will grant you the strength with your dad, glad he could finally come over.
Happy Birthday once again
you are one & only. you deserev it sir.
@taskmaster4450 sir you know. @surpassinggooglee i made the post on his birthday so i post it but he can not see i think how i show my post to @surpassinggoogle please i made the post by to hardworking pease give the way.
Very inspirational story, i appericiate it, these kids are looking soo cute 😊. Very pretty childhood memories are the best part of life, we remembers always life time, best wishes for you love yaaaa 😘😍 #surpassinggoogle you are the one of best person for this community and all your followers, who brings lots of love and respeck for you by spreading love. I am really glad for you being this community we are lucky with you.
I made a birthday post for you #terry Please click here
Happy birthday sir @surpassinggoogle !....you are so special to us and we appreciate your efforts