How easy you think is getting you some Honey ? Easy Right ! Go to the market buy some and eat it.
It's not the case for everyone of us !
Look at this !
He is some one from Central Nepal (Specially from Gurung community) working hard to get some honey. Twice a year people living in Central Nepal gather to collect honey from the hill side. It is dangerous as the rope is the only security measure for them. They need to carry baskets sometimes weighting more than 25 Kilo's with honey. They need to be brave enough to leave the ground with such a less amount of security.
Flying bees is the next problem because most of them don't have a proper dress , not even proper rope to support their weight.
Look at this ;
And This :
Looking at them you may have realised how hard is it to take honey out
But the results are Awesome
The honey obtained from here have very high nutrition and medicinal effect which is found nowhere around the world. They observe it as festival and those who extract honey are highly respected in their community. The honey obtained from here even have some alcoholic effect because the honey is obtained from Rhododendron flower. This is very unique culture and have attracted media's like National Geography and Vice to make documentary on it. But it is quite unfamiliar inside Nepal.
Respect Honey Hunters
You can watch full Vice and National Geographic Documentary in YouTube
Yes the its highly risky for these people and yet they keep their composure to get the job done. I watched a documentary about Mad honey in Nepal. Its a honey that gives hallucination effect.
Working great as Mowgli
Does anyone know the place to find this Veer maauri ko honey in Kathmandu?
Veer mauri chai haina but ghar mauri ko chai painxa hai bro hamro tira
lyaaideuna mero tira :D
Ma baisakh ki jestha ma ktm auxa bro....
Teti bela lydimla na
Waaah, la aash gare hai maile, advance mai Dhanyabaad :D hahahaha