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RE: Judge In Trump Case Says Only Four Jurors Needed To Convict - Absolutely Unlawful Court is a Mockery of Law

in #life4 months ago

I had assumed, and was wrong to do so.

"Can convicted felons be president?

"There are few requirements to serve as U.S. president. According to the U.S. Constitution, anyone who is at least 35 years old, a natural-born citizen of the United States and a U.S. resident for at least 14 years is eligible to be elected president. Because the Constitution does not mention criminal records, a person indicted or convicted of a felony would not be barred from serving in the role so long as he or she meets the other requirements."

"Maybe it will become acceptable to refuse to visit a state that is bringing charges against you and for other states to refuse to extradite you there."

That would basically be the end of the federal union of states. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen, because there's a lot of money and power that the USG has state governments want access to. People that aren't greedy for money are power don't matter to them. Greedy people can be manipulated and will do things in order to get the money and power. Those are the people that matter to them, the people they can use.


States are asserting their power more lately. This trial is an example. But, if one state can bring anyone into its courts to do with as it pleases, then certainly another state can recognize the bad faith prosecutions of a state and refuse to honor extradition when it deems another such act would result.

Sancuary states and cities, and now Texas enforcing is border in conflict with the feds. It is up to the feds to make an issue of it.

Sounds like the road to Balkanization.