Needle vs Tooth

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The needle won. 

I was having a pretty enjoyable time embroidering for the first time but then something unexpected happened. I fucking chipped my front tooth. It’s not too bad, a few people at @caffetto were telling me that it’s barely noticeable. It does feel a little weird and sensitive. 

I was at a stopping point in my project but I couldn’t get the needle through one part of the rose. I decided to bite down on the tip of the needle and pull it through. It seemed like a good idea since my fingers kept slipping. I’m sure they’re still tired from bouldering the other day. I heard a crunch sound in my mouth, reached up to feel a sand like texture on my fingertips and knew that something was wrong. 

I’ve always been the person who didn’t have time to look for a pair of scissors to open things or cut through small strings with. Maybe I learned this habit from my parents. @lonniedi did give me some words of comfort by saying, “Actually, I resort to my teeth for a lot of things. Thanks girl. Now I feel less stupid but it doesn’t change the fact that I need to get it fixed before it gets worse. There goes my hard earned money which will be raining down on a local dental practice. 

On a brighter note, check out this little design I was working on. Not too bad for my first try.

Now I’m gonna go home, curl up into a little ball in bed and try to get my mind off this foreign feeling in my mouth. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Have you gotten a chipped tooth fixed before? Is there anything I should know? 🦊


This is so horrible! D:
Poor you, having dental problems is the worst. Why are you so unlucky lately >_>.
Hopefully the dentist fixes it quickly and painlessly.

😔 Maybe I’m just too carefree? I never think bad things will happen to me since I’ve got a pretty optimistic view on life. I think the dental assistant that I befriended will be shocked since I just had my teeth cleaned two weeks ago. *hugs * thanks for the support!

Well done D: hope it's not too expensive to fix!

The embroidery looks like it's going good if that's any consolation :S


Me too! I’m crossing my fingers!

It is! I’m gonna keep my head up and continue practicing. :) Thanks!

I'm so sorry!! I've never had a chipped tooth, but I had an implant that failed. I cried. You're embroidery looks great, though!

Thanks @msvee! :( implants sound scary. My friend just had one successfully done.

Sorry to hear about your tooth. You have to get a thimble before you continue your needlework! :) Google vintage thimbles, they used to make them very beautiful and personalised!

Thanks for the concern! I’ll definitely look those up. I just told my mother about my tooth and she asked why I didn’t have a thimble. 😅

Mama knows the best!

I’m sorry about your tooth! I chew the lids to water bottles 🙈 such a bad habit I know lol

Your petite rose is beautiful! Great job friend!