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RE: Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol And Will Never Drink Again

in #life8 years ago

Alcohol has following types of harms:

1-It leads to other grave sins

2-Psychological harms

3-Medical harms

4-Social Harms
1-Alcohol the mother of sins:

Alcohol leads to many other grave sins. Continual or large scale use of alcohol has a bad effect on most people's sex-life. The high rates of incest (sexual relations with close relations like son with mother, brother with sister etc) and rape in the European countries are due to the large consumption of alcohol in those countries.
2-Psychological Harms

It may perpetuate your shyness, anxiety, depression, unhappiness etc. rather than dealing with it.

They allow us to feel a temporary confidence or happiness, but the effect is usually one of borrowed time. Often the unhappiness or anxiety returns even more strongly once the effects wear off.

Drink and drugs can cause psychological problems by themselves. Alcohol can commonly cause depression; drugs can also cause depression, or can trigger anxiety or even psychosis (loss of reality).
3-Social Harms

Drink and drugs are often seriously expensive, so uncontrolled use can lead to financial problems.

You can quite easily end up in trouble with the law. Although drinking alcohol is of course legal, it can lead to other actions such as assault and driving when drunk which are not. Similarly, although the law may turn a blind eye to personal use of certain drugs, this attitude is not consistent. Sentences for any supplying can be heavy and unpredictable. Any conviction for drink or drugs offences may severely limit the opportunities open to you in the future.

Pronounced use of drink or drugs tends to rigidly define social groups, so it may limit your circle of friends. Continual or large-scale use of alcohol has a bad effect on most people's sex-life.


Sorry, incest and especially rape are global problems and nearly ALWAYS stem from an authority figure's addiction to exerting power over subordinates. Alcohol only aggravates this psychopathic tendency. Every culture that practices child marriage is complicit in perpetuating this psychopathy, and Europe is far from the worst. There are not a multiplicity of extremist groups, let alone ordinary citizens, in Europe with the intent and capability of engaging in mass kidnappings and rapes, not are they ordinary tools of statecraft.