in #life7 years ago (edited)

born for this.jpg


- is a blog series geared toward showing us the wonderful purposes of life that God has prepared for us!

Today, let me begin with the Part 1:


This introduction connects us to next parts of this series.

‘Ever felt life is meaningless?
Do you like the person you see in the mirror everyday?
Ever felt that your existence is an accident?
Have you discovered the purpose for your life?’

Steemit friends, let me tell you this - You are not an accident!
God has a plan for your life even before you were born!
In fact, even before He even made the world, God has already loved you and has chosen you to be in Christ, holy and blameless (Ephesians 1:4)!

He already had us in His mind, long before He made Adam and Eve!
Do not ever believe the lie of the enemy that is trying to tell us that we are effects of a ‘cosmic explosion’.

Friends, we do not descend from apes! The Bible clearly tells us that God made us ‘according to His own image and likeness’ (Genesis 1:26-27).
We are specially and wonderful made!
God has a wonderful plan for you, my friend! You were ‘Born for a purpose!
Pastor Rick Warren wrote a wonderful best-seller book ‘The Purpose-driven life’ and I encourage you to take the time to read it.

Our Creator and Loving Father in Heaven wants us to experience and enjoy life to the fullest!
He loves us so much and desires that we enjoy our lives with Him and live each day for Him!
One of the purposes why Jesus Christ came to our world was so that ‘we could have life, and have it more abundantly (John 10:10)!’

May this message inspire us all to pursue the life that God has called us to be as we declare, ‘I was born for this!’


King David is the greatest Psalmist and here he penned down such a wonderful passage of how personal God is towards us, His Creation! Here he writes on how God is intimately involved in creating us individually! Here are some of the ‘mind-blowing’ things David wrote about this:

‘God made you! He formed you in your mother’s womb! He saw you even before you were born! He thinks of you! He even writes a BOOK about you! He is with you always!’ Friends, these are powerful truths that should change the way we see ourselves and how we think about God! We are His Masterpieces! He loves us so much and has created us so wonderfully! Can you imagine, God has written a BOOK about our lives even before we were born (Psalm 139:16)! He has made us special & for a purpose! As we try to discovery God’s purposes about our lives, we can do so by looking at 3 things from His Word.


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(Genesis 1:26-27)–From the very beginning at the Creation account, we are told that God Himself has made both man and woman in His own image and likeness, ‘to be like Him’. In Genesis 1:26-27we read, ‘…Let us make man in our own IMAGE to be LIKE US… God patterned them after Himself…’This is the DESIGN of God for all humanity, that we would ‘reflect His character as His Creation!

However, when Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God, they were expelled from the Paradise and from the very presence of God. And since that day, sin entered the world and has tainted and distorted the image of God in man, even as man gets worse in all kinds of sin and evil. But even so, we can see in the Bible how God tries to reach down to His Creation.

That is why Jesus had to come to our world and die on the Cross, not only to save us from our sins, but to also make us holy and righteous before our Father God! His bloodshed for us has made the way for us to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives – ‘to be like Him’. SIN DESTROYED GOD’S IMAGE IN US! But we have now been made RIGHTEOUS through Jesus Christ!


(Jeremiah 29:11)– ‘For I know the PLANS I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you… to give you a HOPE and a FUTURE.’ Our life’s purpose can also be discovered as we look into God’s plan for our lives. We must never forget that we have a good God who loves us and wants the best for our lives! And here we can see that one of our purpose for living is ‘To be BLESSED by Him!’ This reflects His DESIRE to bless us so that we could also be a blessing to others. Although He never promised that we would no longer have problems and trials in life, nut promised to be always here for us. Our God desires to give us a hope and a wonderful future not only for this life, but for the life that is yet to come.


(Revelation 4:11)– In this wonderful passage, the apostle John saw a Heavenly vision of the four living creatures and the 24 elders worshipping God, declaring that ‘You are worthy, oh Lord our God… for You created EVERYTHING, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created!’ Later on, the apostle was allowed to see the countless multitude of Heavenly worshippers, comprising of peoples from every nation and tribe of the earth! The apostle Paul also tells us that God’s desire was that ‘the nations would seek after God and find Him (Acts 17:27)!’ My friends, let me tell you this, our greatest purpose in life is to know God personally and ‘to BE WITH Him’throughout eternity! This is our DESTINY in life – to be with God and bring Him pleasure forever and ever!

Friends you and I were created for eternity! We were created for Heaven! Let us not get lost and blinded with the temporal things of this world! We were born for something much greater than this fading world!

STEEMIT BETA.JPG friends, we were born for a purpose! God created us for greater things! His purposes is for us ‘to be LIKE Him, to be BLESSED by Him, To KNOW Him and to BE With Him eternally!’

And unless we discover these wonderful purposes that our Creator God has for our lives, we would never be able to live a meaningful and purposeful life here on earth!

My desire for this blog series is that, I would be able to help you discover, understand, and fulfill our purpose in life! For unless we discover our life’s purpose, everyday would be nothing but a dry and boring routine of trying to survive just to make it through to the end of the day.

But when we discover and live out God’s purposes for our lives, we then could truly experience and enjoy the fullness of life that God has given us through His Son, Jesus Christ! My friend, you were born for a purpose! Amen!

Enjoy reading and be blessed!

Truly yours,


Special thanks to my mentor: Rev. D.T.E.


Indeed Sir @winoxez , I personally can attest that we should find God's purpose for us to be able to live the life we deserve. I just enjoy myself for what I have right now and hopefully I can recuperate myself with all the heartbreaks or downfalls I had been through :)

Keep sharing Sir and inspire others with the words of God :) Steem On!

Hi @leryam12.. Such an encouragement.. downfalls are opportunities to rise up!

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Thank you for this great reminder sir @winoxez. I was refreshed and reminded to evaluate my self. Keep posting and sharing many parts of this sir....

Hi sir @morken! will do.. I love this platform coz we can clearly share and express our thoughts..
Looking forward to more of your posts too.

thank you sir...

Thank you so VERY much for sharing this amazing post! Thank you so VERY much for following me! It means the world to me! We were definitely born for a purpose. It is VERY interesting how God also gives us signs. I believe that there are no coincidences. I woke up today thinking of (Jeremiah 29:11) and then I read this post! God Bless You and Your Family! Please keep in touch Brother! :)