Vegan Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip and Roasted Peanut Brownie 😍

in #lifestyle β€’ 6 years ago (edited)

Vegan Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip and Roasted Peanut Brownie!😍


These brownies are super quick and easy to make and are packed with All your amino acids (Protein), lots of vitanin E, Omega 3, Omega 6 and lots of essential minerals! 😁

You will need a food proscessor for this.


β€’ 225g Dates (soak for a little of hard)
β€’ 100g Soaked Almonds (soak for 30min)
β€’ 50g Roasted Peanuts
β€’ 25g Chia Seeds
β€’ 60g Cacao powder
β€’ 2 tblsp Coconut oil
β€’ 1/8 tsp Rocksalt
β€’ Maple/Agave syrup
β€’ Vanilla Extract


β€’ Roast peanuts for 10-20 min
β€’ Soak 100g almonds and dates if needed
β€’ Drain almonds
β€’ Add 100g almonds, 50g roasted peanuts (leave to cool first) and 30g cacao powder to the food processor
β€’ Blend until fine with small bits
β€’ Drain dates and add them, blend again until gooey
β€’ Once gooey, placs in a baking tray and put it in the freezer
β€’ Clean out food processor
β€’ Add 2 tblsp coconut oil
β€’ Add 30g cacao powder
β€’ 1 Tsp maple syrup
β€’ 1/2 Tsp Vanilla extract
β€’ Blend into chocolate ganache
β€’ Get brownie out the fridge and spread the ganache 😍 but be quick! Because the base has been in the freezer it will harden the ganache pretty quick so if you want to add a pattern do it fast!

And now its ready to put im the freezer....

Or eat πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚

More Recipes Coming Soon

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