About sacrifice for love...

in #live7 years ago


to be able to care for many and loved by most and yet...to ONLY love one. Is one considered as flirtatious or being dutiful? trying to understand what Jesus was living through whilst being with (Mary Magdalene)... if emotional love were to be compared with platonic and amorous love...where would one draw the line?


Fruit for thought.

Where or how would one understand that there's an unlimited desire to be loved....and yet to love only ONE is a life long commitment, that would require a higher aptitude of understanding and greater depth of perception and an unlimited capacity for forgiveness and acceptability..."for better or worse till death shall ye part"... is it then true when its said "that it is better to have loved before than, to have never been love ? "

能夠照顧許多人,並被大多數人所喜愛,然而......只愛一個人。一個被認為是輕浮或忠誠?試圖了解耶穌在與瑪利亞(瑪麗·抹大拉)同時生活的經歷......如果情感的愛與柏拉圖式和愛情的愛相比......那麼一個人會在哪裡劃清界線呢?思考的果實。人們在何處或如何理解有無限慾望被愛... ...而只愛一個人是終生的承諾,這將需要更高的理解能力和更深入的知覺,以及無限的寬恕能力可接受性......“不論好壞,直到死亡,你們應該分開”......當它說:“愛過的比過去好,從來沒有愛過的時候,它是真的嗎?

Are you strong enough to love, be loved and be in love?
