in #love6 years ago

The Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has come and gone living up spectacularly to the hype surrounding it.

It was a real beauty and majestic to behold watching the new duchess of Sussex walked down the aisle in her pure white gown. However, before the dust finally settle down on these and the duke and duchess of Sussex continue their wonderful fairy love story, here I will offer my two cents of takeaways from this wonderful celebration of love

LOVE: Power of love

I just have to begin with this because it is the basis for everything including the celebration. And the importance of it was captured in Rev. Curry’s powerful sermon delivered during the wedding. He so much used this great occasion to administer a dose of treatment of what the world needs right now: LOVE. He started off with this quote from

“We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. And when we discover that, we will be able to make of this old world a new world, for love is the only way- Rev Dr Marthin Luther King

The guile with which he proceeded from this through the romantic, spiritual and the most scantiness of love these days: LOVE OF HUMANITY!

This quote from his speech also really got me

“When love is the way - unselfish, sacrificial, redemptive. When love is the way, then no child will go to bed hungry in this world ever again. When love is the way, we will let justice roll down like a mighty stream and righteousness like an ever-flowing brook. When love is the way, poverty will become history. When love is the way, the earth will be a sanctuary. When love is the way, we will lay down our swords and shields, down by the riverside, to study war no more.
You can read the full text of his speech here



The simplicity of the bride wear make Meghan's dressing one of the most discussed of the event. Her pure white gown, no dropping earrings, no long nails or eyelashes, no gold necklace, no excessive transformation agenda make-up that will turn black to white, and OMG, she still looked very amazingly beautiful. In fact, simplicity is regal!



Following the steps of his brother the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William whom his wife, Duchess of Cambridge was older than, Prince Harry, now the Duke of Sussex also got married to a woman older than himself. This naturally should not be an issue, but it is something that is unnecessarily glamorized in the Nigerian community. Nigerian women always believe they must marry only a man older than they are. I once had an ex who believed she cannot go on because her birthday is September and mine is November of same year even though I am ahead of her career-wise.
This is hoping going forward we will hear less of “Am I your mate? you are not even afraid to toast me?” Aunties you will do less with shoulder-pack.


This is also equally important. Never let your today define your tomorrow. Do not let whatever you may be currently going through affect your future outlook. Believe in yourself and never let the experience of a previous failure prevent you from retrying, re-taking the step/risk and making that great leap. Shoot your shot.

Meghan was once married, but the marriage was unsuccessful, and she divorced in 2013 after being married just for 2 years. Prior to being married, she had been in relationship with her ex for 6 years. However, when Meghan met love again, she opened her heart and not allow past experience dictate her emotions. A lot of women are very bitter these days because of past unlucky relationships and most enter a new relationship either being too cautious, cynic or some even have the mind to hurt as a revenge from previous heartbreak. The gospel here is that whatever the experiences of the past, you can still make it to the very top if you give yourself an honest opportunity to re-try.
And this leads to my next point


There is this popular saying “birds of the same feathers....” Harry and Meghan were set-up on a blind date by a mutual friend. The mutual friend, allegedly to be Violet set up the two understanding that Harry is unlucky with relationships and Meghan is divorced. She made sure Meghan came to the date without knowing whom she is going to meet. A friend that literally solve a major challenge confronting two of her friends. Who are your friends?


I am a huge believer in equal rights especially for women. I enjoin women inclusion in every facets of the society where they are underrepresented, or unequally treated as men. I am a huge fan of women in STEM especially. But there is a new waves of faux feminism sweeping across our society especially among the woke Nigerian generation. It comes with what can be best described as misandry so much so some women has so belittle the respected institution of marriage and family to the extent they term “Marriage has not being an achievement and something that is irrelevant”

One begins to wonder where this generation got it wrong. One of the fundamentals of love is the love within the family, which will extend to, community and then the nation. The basis of this family is marriage. Then how do we get to that loving society which we dream of if we disparage the family and it’s basis, marriage. Majority of the anti-marriage proponents are women who believe that marriage is a tool for which women rights are being trampled upon. But the truth is that you can choose what you want and having a partner that understand you is quite important, but there most likely to go along with it a sacrifice from your part. I mean Meghan is a known feminist, but she has to relinquish all her social media platforms and blog for her marriage with Prince Harry, I don’t know why it is so but it is sacrifice, and I believe it is her choice and a huge one on her part as a result of getting married to the Prince.

Some might think that why does she have to make such huge sacrifice and what is the Prince offering as a sacrifice on his part. Somethings are just the way they are, somethings just have to let go, what applies to A might not apply to B. understanding the role of choice is important in the struggle for feminism. Giving women the opportunity of decision-making I believe is the core of the struggle. The blanket tagging of men as scum has made many to be misandry and turning a lot away from the advocacy.


Modest dressing

I am unsure if I have to put this but it is noteworthy that all through the service, there was no visible of a woman wearing dress in such manner to reveal cleavage at this royal gathering, so much so the bride. I hope Nigerian brides and bridal party can renege on the trend of the competition of who can reveal more breasts at wedding functions. Not so cool


And the last one here is subtle, I have not attend the church service of wedding ceremony in recent times, but it is worthy pointing out based on reviews of those that do attend that it is the manner in which the Presiding minister asked the marriage vow that it should be replied. The blanket “I DO” is wrong. When asked “Will you ……” as a marriage vow, the response is “I will” NOT “ I DO”

These are my takeaways for my compatriots from the Royal wedding. Wishing the new couple a happy marital bliss!