in #love7 years ago

This is for mature men who are ready to up their game and win the heart of the woman they love. Knowing what you want is one thing and getting your way into her heart is another. Women are known to be soft, emotional and easily carried away by sweet words and honest actions ( that is if you're doing it the right way) otherwise you'd be pushed away if you do not know how to work your charm on her. You have to understand that naturally, women protect themselves by doing shakara....that means they would play hard to get. It's almost abnormal if a lady you approach doesn't do that. So, for those who are having a few problems with wooing her and making her yours, I have decided to cook a few tips that will definitely help you.

  1. First of, I would advice you to genuinely express yourself. Be serious while communicating to her and be honest. Don't beat around and don't talk too much please. Some men use the "let me become her best friend method" and honestly,that doesn't work. Come up front and declare your intentions. Let her know that you see her as a potential. Using the "best friend" route might rather complicate things for her. Correct use of english and body language will help. I repeat.. CORRECT USE OF ENGLISH. And one more thing, don't start too strong, too early. That can be very offensive. Don't stalk, don't monitor and don't be everywhere within her gaze. Give her space, after letting your intentions known. That will keep her on her toes.

  2. Do you know what makes a man very attractive? His level of confidence. Yes we love confident men who are smart, tactful, brilliant and have things going for them, We like to know that you have a life,and working career ahead of you. If you cannot stand in front of a woman and converse confidently, you do not stand a chance to win her heart, especially if you cannot construct simple sentences. Some men stammer, some over exaggerate [i will die if i don't have you or i love you more than i love my mother]LIES! and some start sweating. Some ladies will not hesitate to laugh you to scorn. I will be writing an article on self confidence for men, the kind that attracts women so watch out.

  3. A confident man who doesn't have an A+ in maintaining personal hygiene is just a turn off. A BIG TURN OFF!!! I remember this guy who approached me years back. He smiled at me first, but I couldn't take my eyes away from his brown teeth. Like that wasn't enough, he opened his moth to talk to me and the smell that came thereafter was completely appalling. He was confident, but his looks were totally disgusting. His White shirt was brown, His black trouser was faded, His shoes weren't even polished! What was he thinking?
    Please and please, learn to keep clean. That is a total turn on for me. I asked a few ladies what they notice first in appearance. I got [haircut, shoes, clothing, smile.."TEETH" and the aura he carries"} Get a nice haircut, clean shave, pick a nice outfit and PLEASE! PICK A NICE PERFUME. Not the kind that will choke the lady, something nice...not aboki perfume. That is hazardous biko.

  4. This is where you'd have to learn to charm her. You know what irritates us? A proud man, talker who can't stop talking about himself, a bore and an insensitive man. Check your character and attitude.
    #Make her laugh. Women like funny men. Try having some good sense of humor

#Compliment her. Tell her how nice she smells, or how great her hair looks, or her nails or her outfit. Anything to make her smile. Don't compliment her big buttocks or big breasts just yet. We like respect.

#Catch her off guard. Sometimes we like the unpredictable...what i think is totally hot is maintaining eye contact. That is enough to throw her off guard. Hold her hands in public, public display of affection is so sweet and would make a woman blush anytime, any day.

#lol and I suggest you give her a pet name. A little tease and a little romance. One time my now, boyfriend was with his friends and i happened to pass in front of him and he shouted this pet name he gave me and i couldn't stop myself from smiling. I thought about it for days. Be creative with that, don't go for the usual "babe" or "sweetheart". You should try surprising her too. Will subconsciously keep you on her mind.

#Be mysterious. Appear and disappear suddenly. Sometimes we like unpredictable guys who just show up. Make us look for you.

#This one is another secret. Make friends with her friends, it's an added advantage and they will let you in on her likes and dislikes. Once she sees that her friends like you, you're up in the game

Be there for her, listen to her, pay attention and you'll be the one she'll be running to. Be her pillar of support, challenge her to try new things and leave her comfort zone. Encourage her and give her good advice. Try to like the thing she likes and motivate her. This will only create a deeper bond and foundation for love



i am a girl and i really want to appreciate these lines.. yes we want love, respect and appreciation more than style and money. we want a honest person who can keep his track

Thanks for reading. Much love! I'm for the girls b

This is very encouraging. Thank you @kivar. I'm actually persuing this girl and this has given me confidence to continue. And that you @muzmomo for confirming these lines..

Hmmm what a love doctor....
The truth is ....
Many guys follow the best friend route and end up being FRIEND ZONED FOREVER...
which the would find offensive later... And the lady would have it as "he is steping out of the boundaries of been a friend.."
Which really doesnt sound cool with them...
My view...

lol. friend zoned isnt cool

Loll.. This is funny and amazing.. Good write dear. Hope the gentlemen see this