Pohjola guitars - Introduction

in #luthier7 years ago

Hello world!

My name is Ilkka and I am from Finland. Four years ago I started to build electric guitars because I wanted something different than the local store could offer. 

Guitars are just like every other stuff in this world. Personal taste varies. Some like to have six string on their guitars, some seven. Other prefer 24 frets while for some 21 is enough. For me it always has been about the journey to find or build a unique instrument with features no other guitar has. Just like this blockchain tech is for this steemit social service. Push the boundaries of the idea guitar (or social media) a little bit further than what it used to be. Ideas can come fast, but good things develop and mature slowly.

When I started this very time consuming and challenging hobby of mine I had only some basic woodworking skills. I did something in elementary school 25 years ago, but nothing special.  I've come better over these 3 years, but  there's still alot to learn. At this point I can build an instrument which plays nicely and looks ok, but there's alot room for improvement.

Enough! Show me your guitars!

Pohjola 7

"Pohjola" means the North. A good friend of mine cut old maple from his yard six years ago. Last year I saw the raw wood at his place and we made a deal. I built one guitar for him and I can keep the rest of the wood. That tree was huge so it meant I got huge pile of good wood + I got to build a guitar for my friend. After that project I started planning building Pohjola 7.


  • seven strings
  • 25"-27" inch fanned fret
  • Pickup mounted from behind
  • body maple
  • neck maple and roasted birch
  • fretboard walnut
  • Volume pot

The wood has spalted a little bit but that just brings more character to instrument. There was no soft spots in the wood, just the color was changed a little bit.

First test with the blue color went fine, but i wasn't happy, so sanded and changed it to aqua marine.

More pictures soon... and something about my way of routing pickups! See ya!


Everything is ready. I ended up spraying turquoise stain on body and put the pickup wires straight to output jack. Volume pot is coming, but since I don't need it now I left it on my desk . I'll try to find some time to record something and put more pictures online. This one is a keeper! :)

Welcome to Steemit .My first upvote for you.greets from germany

Thanks! Just ask if you want to know something about this topic. :)

Welcome to steemit. Would love to checkout your guitars in future.

A picture with mic and strings. 222.jpg