ABH Modern Renaissance vs Wet N Wild Rose in the Air

in #makeup6 years ago

Ok, it took me FOREVER to get these photos somewhat decent and then I kept screwing up the names of the shadows and matching them with their dupes. But I think I finally got it!!


So today I wanted to show you the similarities of the ABH Modern Renaissance pallet ($42) with Wet N Wild Rose in the Air pallet ($5).

First off here's all the swatches.....you will have to understand that I am taking these photos at 5am so I have to use all the light I can from my makeup room and sometimes it will change the look of the colors a bit. So just keep that in mind.


There are 4 colors that do not show up in the Wet N Wild pallet that you do get extra in the ABH pallet.
Golden Ochre, Vermeer, Burnt Orange and Venitian Red are the missing ones.
But for a $37 difference, I will do without the other four. :)


The colors are all pretty much dead on to one another except for a couple.

Primavera and WNW 3, the golden shimmer, and I talked about this yesterday as how the ABH is hair more gold color. And I think you can see it in the swatchs. The next color I found that has a slight difference to it is the Tempera and WNW 2, the cream color. The ABH is a bit more of a cream color and the WNW is more of a brighter, white shade.

When I was swatching the colors, I did notice that the Wet N Wild color #10 was close to both, Burnt Orange and Raw Sienna. I actually had #10 swatched above Burnt Orange at first, but then I noticed a very subtle difference in the colors and realized that it was the dupe for Raw Sienna instead.


For the textures....I think that Wet N Wild has some of the best shadows and are not just comparable but down right exact to a lot of high end shadows. This pallet is no exception.

HOWEVER, I did find that on BOTH the ABH in Love Letter and WNW #8 are both kind of gritty feeling. They aren't the soft, buttery feeling that you'd expect to feel. They are both a bit patchy when applied very lightly, but can be built up to full opacity.


Other than #8 and Love Letter, those are the only two "problem shadows" I have found in the pallets. I would happily pay the $42 for the ABH because the quality is great, but I am even happier paying $5 for the WNW when the colors are exact and the quality is spot on just as well. So it's really just up to you and what you would like to have or what you can spend.

Well, that's all I have for today. Tomorrow is my sweet baby cakes (Caleb) 8th birthday, so I might be writing about him tomorrow. So if that's not your thing, feel free to pass on over and come back to see me Friday. But if not, then I will see you tomorrow.

Until next time, take care.



OMG! You just sold me on that WNW pallet. The colors are beautiful and spot on to the ABH. I will definately be picking that up. Thanks for putting this out there.

You are very welcome!! I couldn’t agree more, it’s so close to ABH and I’m shocked as to the quality of the WNW as well. I have been pinning ABH looks from Pinterest and recreating then with my WNW pallet.

I just relieved mine in the mail, I picked up one of the other pallet's from WNW since it's not too much. I can't wait to try it! I ended up getting a lip liner since it was 2 dollars and I only needed another .50 to get free shipping. Have you tried the lip liners from WNW?

EEK!! I'm excited for you!! I love getting new makeup in the mail!! Honestly, I can't say that I have tried the lip liners recently enough to know much about them. They aren't very available in my stores for some reason. I think it was quite a while back when I had a lip liner from them. You will have to tell me how you like yours. :)