Welcome steemians!!
The woman of our days is a practical woman, comfortable,
prefers to keep natural but elegant, understood that the
make-up is not synonymous of bases of make-ups loaded
or extremely white, neither much less overburden
colours, is a woman dared but at the same time
respects his surroundings and joins up to him, in such a way that
wishes to prepare to be very presented, since our
face is the card of presentation to the world.
We give him the most cordial welcome to the world of the make-up,
expect that this post was of big provecho and attain
to clear all your doubts. Give him colour to your life, by means of the
make-up and can express the wonderful to be woman.
The Make-up
The make-up is used from the most primitive civilisations
with different objects, from rituals and
mythological beliefs until the purpose of seduction. The
decorate the skin is familiar from the first etnias.
The importance of the make-up roots in that without the, the
face luce pale and disparejo, the different artificial
lights with which find us during the day,
well was in our place of work or in any enclosed
space can help us or worsen the appearance of the skin,
for this go to know the most important in
the make-up, ?The base?, has 70% of importance, a good
skin will give like result a flawless make-up like this
wish to apply a rímel and a gloss labial.
A bit of history .....
From mesopotamia until the dias current the make-up appears to give him appearance of youth and losania to the skin.
The colour roots his importance by the effect of the percepcion and the behaviour of the people that use it. From the red intense in the lips until the shines but subtle have a message and an intencion.
In the Chinese the colours were meant of each one of the cardinal points (red, blue, white and black) and the yellow, colour of the Chinese empire, to the centre. The shields of arms , the election of the flags of the countries, the uniforms that used the soldiers, the colour has been used for reprensentar the value, the honour and the escencia of a family.
The man and the woman from always have decorated and have put him colour to his bodies and faces to call the atencion of the opposite sex
Aplicador Of kohl
The cosmetics, in some occasions, resulted to be toxic. As in the art, the colours were chosen to achieve to take out the elder split of some parts of the body
The kohl, is one of the cosmetics with more history. So many men like women applied it to him on the eyes to protect them of the sun and for give him a form enigmatica and sedutora. His application has been so extended in the countries of Middle East, Africa and the rest of the world that uses until the actuality these striking delineated of garo and ahumados. This make-up was really toxic and his composition varied depending on where was found . The strong shot of them always were the eyes by the anto looked for resaltarlos with green and blue tones that took out of the mixes of earths, clays, inks and pigments that almost tatuaban in his skin because to apply them used needles of ébano and ivory.
The Egyptians arrived so far with the estetica and cosmetica that even have found frascos with indications of use in his graves. Asi That is not in vain that they carried the vanguardi
Cleopatra A queen that imposed his advances cosmeticos; bathrooms of milk, mascarillas and ointments were inside his rituals of beauty
In some cultures tenian metodos something escatológicos. Before going out and be seen by the people, retouched his make-up smelling the latrines. This producia an effect that palidecia the face and gave a better finishing... That such?
By the 19th century in francia was the arrival of the world of the estitica and the make-up. They were the women of the French court those who put in auje rl make-up. Blamqueaban His faces, resaltaban lips and mejidas in pink and red tones very strong, creams abrillantadoras to base of sulphur ,product that afterwards was accused of evenenar
The queen Maria Antonieta
The Use of pelucas in men and women increased poor the stray of hair that sufrian. In his mayoria of the cases was by the toxic level of the cosmeticos and ready that used .
For example; The red Colour prepared it with a moss called fucus and of the to the tornasol.
In the epoca golden was implemented the first cream pra delete crease . It was prepared with arsenic and lead pair afterwards be applied and hard a year but, if it cracked as it was unpleasant and incomoda . It called "esmaltamiento of the face".
Since the industry of the cosmetica has given a twist of 180º. I arrive the 20th century and did not do expect his first invension , the labial with mecanísmo giratorio that know until the day of today.
For cinema of the decada of the years 20 the colour of the lips was of a lot of importance since the villains were those that used red tones vampirescos and the heroines virgínales used button of rose.
Already the years 30 with the come of the war and lla lacking of product there was an opportunity to implement the beloved delineador. Already the conseguias until perfumed and the labial were but sophisticated.
With the end of the war in the 50 as it was moment to celebrate the freedom and this the beauty. We can see models like Marilyn Monroe , the beige colours, delineated of eye of cat that hacian the iradas but feline, bulky lips and the importance of the frame of the face with the eyebrows.
The movement punk, pop and rock were those that carried the make-up and the aesthetics to pto level. Labial, shadows and lapices carried the names of the bands and artists of the period. Colours like the black, purple going through the fuccia, metallised and brilliant tones, thick eyebrows, all the necessary to call the atencion and feel that you eat you to the world with your style.
Until this decada no habian perfected any of the cosmeticos like the bases, even only used for mimos and theatre.
They appeared the bases in gel thanks to the house Channel and were they the first in launching a palette called "Blanc" inspired by maquilladores of the show.
The tendency was a face washed , young and the use of the tones coffee . Now we have a wide range of colours and tones with which play, from the cold colours and calidos, contrasts, tones of skin and the products done with it ultimo of the tecnologia that hidrata, repairs, cuidar and embellese each type of face.
Today in the 2018 the industry this innovando daily, no longer only exist houses of products for the professional make-up but a quantity of independent artists of the #makeup have created his lines of cosmeticos and implementos.
The perfect technician desarrola daily and the curiosity of the same carries today in dia to a crowd to look for what today call "tutoriales" of the big marks of the #make-up.
As all go back, return the thick eyebrows but now the definicion 3D of the face is the fashion. Anyway, it has gone back all a tendéncia the perfect our shots . More advance will explain them on technicians to see us more beautiful and a post on the preparation of organic make-up.
I am Yessell, am maquilladóra , pin up, singer, cook, lover of the beauty and the colour, the textures and forms... My council: it reflects by out what are inside.
Esta buenisimo este post. A mi me gusta muchisimo el maquillaje, pero no lo uso todos los dias, yo trabajo en una obra, lo que si no falta es el protector solar y a veces un poquito de labial hidratante. Estare pendiente del siguiente post. Saludos! :)
genialllll!!!! Te va a gustar mucho el siguiente post!!😉😃
Genial!! Te va a gustar el siguiente post😃😉
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