Mark Passio on QAnon, Voting, The Great Work, and the Future of Humanity

in #mark6 years ago

Derrick Broze sits down with Mark Passio to discuss the return of his podcast, the upcoming elections, psyops like QAnon, moving out of the United States, and much, much more.

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This is great news! I've been wondering what on Earth has been happening...with Mark. lol

I also have been trying to get in touch with him to tell him that I started a steem account in his name that I would like to hand him the keys for. This is the one I started but there are a couple other ones out there. One is @woeih and is run by @somethinfishy (a really awesome lady) and then the other one is run by a guy who didn't respond to me when I reached out to him...

If you could possibly pass this info along, I'd be really grateful since I just haven't had any luck getting through on my own.

Hello Derrick,

Enjoy your work and looking forward to seeing you and Mark in Acapulco.

I appreciate you asking him about leaving the USA. He says the America isn't a country but an idea but then says he'd prefer to fight it out within the US rather than go somewhere else. Obviously, I disagree, and I feel I have good reasons why somewhere like Acapulco is a place to consider furthering those ideas, if nothing other than because the average Acapulqueno doesn't have the blinders on that government has answers.

I'm currently working on a book myself and I reference your "Holistic Self Assessment", which I think is awesome. I'm wondering if I could get your input on my project at some time in the future?



Michael, respectfully asking brother. When do most people change? When the pain of staying the same, out weighs the pain of staying the same. Sound about right?

Do you know in depths of your being, "all taxation is theft"? As an "American", do most folks have easier access to firearms then in Mexico, Acapulco specifically? Most likely, right? So, the options. In America, can we agree the average IQ is +/-100, slavery on most everyday men is circa 6.7 out of 10? Dudes being forced by the STATE to pay bitches for children that genetically ain't even theirs, some instances vaginamony in perpetuity or half of everything a mans worth and taxes on everything except air(even thats debatable).
Live in a place where english is maybe the second language, access to guns/ammo are already a big challenge. Average native Mexican IQ is a few points higher then most top 10 D1 college basketball teams a score per game with 88. Villanova is #1 with 86.6 PPG. So sure, the actual slavery index in Acapulco might be around 4 out of 10(minus the ability to protect yourself). So, slavery is in its stride in mexico. But in western countries, particularly the U.S. were love guns and still have a little rebellious history.

Or, do most lazy people change, when the pain of staying the same, out weighs the pain of changing?

I think you're comparing apples to oranges. I feel your pain but the access to guns is certainly not the issue because it doesn't have to be a fight or flight situation. Did you see the story of Cheran, Mexico? That was a fight or flight and they still won.

It's really not that difficult to exist in Mexico. I've been doing it for 4 years now and I wouldn't go back to that asylum for anything.

When did you start believing in IQ tests? Have you looked into the history of those? I consider them useless at telling us anything other than ability to be conditioned.

As far as the pain of changing vs. not. I think Americans on the whole have lived such easy lives for so long their just like domesticated animals... they can't tell who is friendly and who is a threat. Mexicans on the other hand may look different but are like animals of the wild, they can get along in any circumstance... regardless of what the media tells you about them.

Have you ever seen this episode of the Twilight Zone? I think it explains the problem.

Or, do most lazy people only change, when the pain of staying the same, out weighs the pain of changing?

My two favorite people together. Absolute Legends!