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RE: When Those Who Try to Beat a Man to Death Are Labelled "Peaceful"

in #media4 years ago

Just been watching the full vids and I'm even more confused. In one it shows the truck speeding towards them and then stop(all within a few seconds) and in another it shows him driving at a slow pace until he gets surrounded...Wondering whether one video has been sped up to make it look as if he drove at them? If he did drive at them at high speed then I can understand why the crowd freaked out.


from what i understood it is a bridge so there is a slight slope and a small curve. so he was going full speed and probably when he seen them started to break and used the horn. for sure if he wanted to run anyone over he could just turn left or right and kill a lot of them. the slow moving video was after the initial stop, when they tried to get him out of the truck, so he started moving for maybe 50m at slow pace, probably thinking they will give up. looks like at one moment there were 7-8 people hanging on the truck so he just stopped to not run over someone, because there was no other reason for him to stop again.
no idea why he was on that road, but for sure did not want to kill anybody.

And stopping a tanker filled with fluid is certainly not straight forward. Crazy how two different videos can give such contrasting perspectives. Very lucky nobody was badly hurt. We have a protest going on in our local city center today and I'm hoping that doesn't kick off. Maybe I should take my drone and film it...
Seems this event has taken hold of everyone. I guess we'll be on to the next drama soon enough.

I think what happened was the sudden approach, stop, swarm. And then they must have let up, allowing him to creep along? If not this, then I'm with you with being confused about that.

This kind of thing always reminds me of this quote ;)

Karl Rove.jpg

Yes, but freethinkers have the internet to maintain threads of integrity, even if the institutions should wither.