A propaganda technique the deep state media complex likes to employ is to repeatedly refer to events that are key to their narrative (i.e. which empower the neoliberal regime) by their dates. For instance, “January 6.” There is nothing special about the date January 6, no reason for them to repeat the date itself when talking about the so-called "insurrection," yet they kept repeating, "January 6, January 6, January 6." Why?
They kept saying the date itself every time they talked about the event because that was a deliberate propaganda technique to use neural-liguistic programming to tie the date to the event. As a result, the event became more memorable and the date itself becomes an annual reminder of the propaganda narrative that they tied to the event. Each year on that date, you are forced to remember the media's narrative about that date—even whenever the date is mentioned innocuously with respect to anything else (like a doctor's appointment on Jan. 6). Instead of the doctor, all you can think about is the propaganda they've hammered into your mind of tying "Jan. 6 to a MAGA insurrection."
The “date conspiracy” is an effective propaganda technique, but you can only do it so many times--365 to be exact--though there are diminishing returns well before that. It’s a form of neural-linguistic programming--they say certain words to cause a desired behavior in response. In this case, they want the words "January 6th" to trigger images of MAGA terrorists storming the Capitol and attempting to overthrow the government. It is intended to cause PTSD every time a liberal hears the date January 6.
They did the same thing with October 7. The date itself is not important, yet they repeat the date as a form of neural linguistic programming. It began with September 11th. Though, with that event, it was more organic, because 9/11 is already a unique date due to the resonance of the 9-1-1 emergency phone number. So people organically started calling the attack itself “nine-eleven.” Plus, it was legitimately such a monumental traumatizing event, and would have been so no matter the date it occurred on. If it happened a day later, on September 12th they probably wouldn't have referred to it as "9/12" because that doesn't have the same ring to it. It probably would have just been the "World Trade Center attack" or the "Twin Towers attack”—you know, calling the event what it actually was.
A more positive example of the date conspiracy is the "4th of July," which is how most people refer to the holiday, rather than the more formal "Independence Day." By short-handing an event to its date, it implies that the event was so monumental that it overwhelms and overtakes the date itself, so that the event is more important than the date—the two become synonymous. (British loyalists might disagree that "4th of July" is positive NLP.)
I think that organically happened with 9/11, setting aside any conspiracies about those behind the attack. If it was an "inside job”, I don't think the media who coined the term "nine-eleven" were involved in the conspiracy. I don't think the conspirators were a part of the propaganda technique of repeating the date to exaggerate the impact of that event because that event was already dramatic enough that it didn't need exaggeration.
The current regime saw how powerful "9/11" became in people's imaginations, so they wanted to replicate that with subsequent events that were nowhere near as impactful. Hence they use the NLP propaganda technique of repeating the date "January 6 January 6 January 6" because if you make an event synonymous with the date it occurred, then that implies that the event was extraordinary and monumental. In the case of the "insurrection," it means that it was so terrible and so traumatizing that you can't even say what happened. All you can talk about is the date itself. Which is obviously ridiculous when you consider what actually happened that day: MAGA grannies being led on walking tours through the Capitol building. The only person shot and killed was a MAGA supporter.
Notice how the mainstream media did not use the NLP “date” technique for the Trump assassination attempt because they were trying to downplay that event. July 13 or 7/13 didn't become a memorable date that they kept repeating because they didn't want to talk about the event at all. They didn't want that day's event to be imprinted in people's memories. The fact they did that with January 6 but didn't do it with July 13 exposes the date conspiracy for what it is. A propaganda method to increase the power of the neoliberal deep state regime.