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RE: THE PERFECT PAUSE - Chapter Eleven - Your Meditation Practice

in #meditation3 years ago

You are going to laugh, but I have to share a couple of really personal things after having ready this chapter. I had a pretty strict religious upbringing, I don't regret that, it gave me a good foundation for the values and principles that I live by today. Honestly there are only a few things I would change. That being said, meditation has always been a bit of a taboo thing for me. Back in the day (and probably still somewhat today) there was a really big belief that by mediating you were brining your mind to a state that would allow demons, evil spirits, whatever to enter. It is something that was kind of lumped in with the occult and things like that I guess. I think because of that I have never been able to fully embrace meditation. That and the fact that I am ADHD. That is the other personal thing. I don't think I could make my mind be still even if I wanted to!


I wasn't aware that you had such a strict upbringing! I'm sure that gives you a unique perspective on the world. I know a few others in the crypto space who were raised in religious communities. Those two things you mention would be some big barriers to learning meditation and forming a habit. Just focusing on the conscious breathing alone might be the best path towards eventually taking the practice further (or not). Even if you do the conscious breathing every day you'll reap some of the benefits. If I remember correctly you already do that.

Yeah, I probably make it sound worse than it was. It was more focused on eliminating things that equate to vices. No one in my immediate family drinks. I didn't have my first one until I was 24. The spiritual warfare stuff isn't as intense as the Baptists or evangelicals practice, but we watched the videos in youth group (about the whole meditation/D&D/evil music thing and it kind of freaked me out. 😛

I bet that did freak you out! That would be a difficult thing to forget after being taught it at a young age. I'm glad your family accepts and supports your decision to live your life how you wish.

I don't know as though they support it, but they begrudgingly accept it. I did a quick Google search and it appears the hesitancy of meditation among Christians is a pretty common thing for a number of erroneous reasons.