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RE: Meme challenge #53 + Winners of #52

in #memechallenge7 years ago

To be sincere, I will make you the winner if am the judge, I think this contest is not fair. The winners post actually don't worth awarding winning. Probably they are bribing the judge. Look at the last contest, am 100% sure my own meme is far better than the winner apart from mine there are other meme worth better than the winner. I guess those winners are friends to the judge or the owner of this contest. Please let be sincere. As for I am not doing this meme challenge cause I know I won't win.


Hey @soloman507 I won the last contest. I didn’t bribe the judge and I don’t know him in real life. Maybe your meme was funnier than mine and was simply overlooked because there are so many entries?

Congrats, @metzli - Your meme made me LOL. Literally.
Here's a quick upvote to add to your winnings for being funny and woke!

Have an awesome day!

And to clear things up, I did see her meme - But yours was funnier. ;)

I can guarantee you 100% that this challenge is legit. I was the judge last time and didn't receive a single bribe. Don't believe me? Check my wallet transfers (STEEM is transparent like that.)
I saw your entry and it was a bit funny, yes, but it was no where near as funny as the ones that I picked. It was somewhat dry and unoriginal, as many other people had similar quotes on their memes.
As for me knowing @metzli, I do not - I hadn't even seen her around this massive ecosystem until I skimmed through what felt like 100's of memechallenge entries (most of which were not funny or flat out didn't make sense) and chose her as the winner. Her entry was original and clicked with my personality/ it actually made me laugh.

Don't be a sore loser.

#sorrynotsorry #soreloser #beoriginal #falseassumptions #stopspreadinglies #befunny #metzliisstillwinner

You’d like my entry for this week too then 😂😂 thanks for the compliments. 39BDEFB1-EB92-4C43-AE1D-28544AF90189.png

Hahahaha So much yes! Love it.