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RE: It’s time to wake up and see the bigger picture

in #mindfullife5 years ago

What we are vibrating at is our frequency. Frequency measures the rate at which something is vibrating, frequency is not magnetism. Magnetism has to do with the movement of an electrical charge. Electromagnetism is the physical phenomenon of an electric field and a magnetic field interacting.

You are right in that we produce extremely subtle biomagnetics, and we are beginning to study these in depth. I can definitely see that the biomagnetics would have a small pull on things, but I seriously doubt that it would attract major events in our lives and that it has more to do with the state of consciousness, or awareness, which gives us limited sight to perceive the things of which we are holding onto in our conscious/subconscious awareness. Personally, I think these biomagnetic fields have more to do with how we affect our surroundings than what we attract to us.

Chaos theory has to do with how a minute change in a system can lead to dramatic changes, also known as the butterfly effect. The reason for everything could simply be 1+1=2; one action leads to the next, and so forth. Everything is tied to a cause-effect relationship - causality.

Everything is random, and the only reason it is seemingly ordered is because we are pattern seeking creatures. We develop a perceptual filter from birth, which is altered throughout our lives through interaction of self with environment, self with others, and self with self. Culture has the biggest influence of all on our perceptual filters. Through these lens, we tend to pick and choose what we believe to be ordered and what is disordered. Each individual with their own unique set of filters perceiving order/disorder from the primordial Khaos.

order vs disorder.jpg


Yes I like your interpretation. Semantics get in the way sometimes. According to Vedanta the Supreme being or original causeless cause of all causes is called Krishna, and the word in Sanskrit literally means "the all-attractive". We attract according to our magnetism, literally and figuratively. It may look like chaos or random but it is in fact, according to Vedanta, not my concocted speculation, that not a blade of grass moves without a reason, a cause, a chain reaction. Similarly with us. Everything is connected and happening for a reason.

We are looking at the same elephant from different angles. Thanks for your valuable insights.