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RE: The Destructive Power of Shame on Our Lives and How to Treat It...

in #mindset6 years ago

Our University Principal knows this power very well... Unfortunately, she used it against students, by calling a name... Shaming the students in front of the others purposely. It was unfair because when someone made tiny mistakes, she wouldn't let it go. She would degrade the student as much as possible in public, even bash the family situations or parents. She memorizes every students' full name and background history. Such a shame that all her effort has a negative purpose.
Her philosophy is, when we are so ashamed, we wouldn't try to fail again. That's kind of old techniques of discipline. But instead we got discouraged. Just because of the emotional struggles, many kids actually try to commit suicide or just gave up the school.
Nobody talked back to her. She is so good at debate degrading. Even our teachers would advice stay out of her sight. Few freshmen actually raised this issue to the Director, because it feels wrong. But Director replied, it's handy management that makes the school thrive for the best, she is doing it for good.....Bullshit. She was adult bully.
Thank god, she is retired now.
Hate that school so much