Hell, even Milton Friedman was for it. Money is only free for the elites who get most of it!( read Picketty).
That's the thing, it would need to be implemented with the dismantling of the present welfare state and with a new education system not run by cynical misanthropes.
In the end the idea is more free market than the present system. It's either this or everyone should get an acre of land at birth with a new education system teaching people to become self-sustainable from and off the land.
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BTW: I don't see that it needs to be universal (why do the Koch Bro.'s need welfare? )they already get tons of corporate welfare! I do think that minimum incomes should be guaranteed. One of the way to do that is to make currency a public utility. www.positivemoney.org
I also don't think there is one monological solution; I think we may need a plurality or a'multiplicity' of solutions.
Milton Friedman was also behind payroll deductions to secure income tax revenue. He's hardly an unimpeachable paragon of liberty.
He loved Mises!
Sure didn't learn a lot, judging by income tax deduction and UBI support.
Well, we all have our allegiances:)