
You do realize you're commenting on an obvious successful project?

You could redirect your negativity to something and someone more unstable, if you intend to ruin hope, lol

Ohhh... You are obviously one of those left winger nutcases... When's the next LQBTQRSY3H2 march?

It's an opposing view, that's all. If you think this is a community where everybody sits around the campfire and sing Kumbaya that's all good - there always has to be suckers in this world.

You're one of em

Dude... Your domain name is going to expire in a month... better get on that. Who puts their home address on their domain registry these days anyways?

come see me and find out

I won't waste my time - you're just my free entertainment. See, if you would have come up with a decent argument right from the start it would never have come down to this. But no, you're a leftist - you have no argument. You just try and force people to accept everything that comes out of your mouth.

haha, I have a winning attitude and far from being a bitter person, such as yourself... I create content, ideas, opportunities and build bridges for everyone to grow... first impressions are important and your negative attitude set the tone for me at least.. good work buddy!!