Life is not about balance or averages. Life is about extremes. Even life itself exists as defiance against all cosmological laws.
I really like almost you use to write, but this sounds like a Rabbi of Gaza preaching the Torah.
This is Hope, the Witcher. He used to live in Nigeria:
Give him a shelter, give him food, give him trust, love, hope, compassion. Give him money.
This is Hope, the Distributed:
The privilege of living at expenses of the 90% of the people of the world. You may thing all is about of adaptable behavior, hard work. The privilege that allow you to say nonsense words like these one:
People can have food, water, health and shelter covered but still be miserable if they start comparing to someone who lives much more luxurious.
What's life? What's miserable? What are the extremes of life? Have you ever seen in your life a bipolar patient? Ask him about the extremes of human experience.
You are all over the place mate. I am not getting what you are trying to say.
Bipolarism is bullshit as far as I am concerned.
My friend, I have seen hundreds, maybe a thousand of bipolar patient. They've experienced the extremes of human sensations, of human behaviors. But I know someone who told it better -by the way she isnt psychiatrist, she is psychologist-:
@kyriacos, Money is a medium, it only has the value that you want to give it. It is imaginary. But pain, despair, suffering, anguish, grief, hunger, loneliness, isolation are much more real than the air you breathe.
I ask you again: What is life? What is misery? What are the extremes of life?
You can call them patients all you want. Psychology (and psychiatry to a great extent) are bullshit. I've written plenty of posts in the past about this.
Psychology is the scientific study of how people behave, think and feel. Psychologists study everything about the human experience from the basic workings of the human brain to consciousness, memory, reasoning and language to personality and mental health.
My bet is you didn't like the diagnose you received.
@garfove, don't even bother trying to explain what being human means to this guy. He's a bitter, lost soul.
Even the agent in matrix compares people with a virus ( both living things ). He compares people with chemical elements (compares something with everything ). He says "having a child is like having a fart", and just so much crap that it makes my mind boggle. Both author and @truth-way-light are in on this here, and it's just another operation, to make sure the sheep stay brainwashed and happy with this perfectly "normal" system.
The underlying message of this post is " THE STATUS QUO IS PERFECT. DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE IT. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE"
What's really sad is the amount of up-votes this crap received. I really thought Steemit members are capable of some critical thinking. Disappointing really.