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RE: 30 Ways I Made Money Online!

in #money7 years ago

Jordan thank you for asking about this because I think it might work a little different for each of us. Today I try to do the work that leaves me feeling the best about the world which is responding to the comments here at this moment. Having an active blog is one of the biggest factors I have found for trust online and it seems you are already doing that on Steemit! On the blog in the comments as you have done here the opportunity to collaborate with others will come perhaps in the form of clients or perhaps demand for videos, books, or other forms outside of the blog that readers would like. I started teaching video courses because commenters on the Warrior Forum assumed I had them already and asked me to create courses when they discovered I did not have any. I write posts on Steemit because of all of our comments and upvotes here and make video courses because of the sales and questions in the courses. Whatever commenters ask you to do becomes the opportunity!


Thanks so much for taking the time for that thoughtful response :)

Ahhh I remember the good old Warrior Forum from the days when I was experimenting with affiliate products and JVs as a teenager (fond memories). I'd hazard a guess that you probably also tried that at some point!

What you advise resonates with me, it's the whole go with the flow concept... just create products and services that others you interact with demand, and adapt to the situation.

I've considered on more than one occasion starting my own blog, but now that I'm part of Steemit, it seems redundant to have two, although certainly there are still benefits to doing both. Oh well, with a FT job I'm not in any hurry to put in many more hours at this point. I'll just have to sit back, relax, and see where the wind takes me ;)