In this video, Erin Nakamoto and I report on the latest news regarding Trump's tariffs on China and how it has negatively affected both sides giving us more evidence that all government does is make things more difficult for the populace and push the populace into further servitude.
First the US propped up China from the 1970s to today. Then China creates a massive centrally planned cashless society to rival the US. Next, the US puts tariffs on Chinese production. It ends up hurting both sides and heavily affects the US consumer as well as industry in an already fake, manipulated stock market. Then Trump has to do a $16 billion bailout of farmers. Then most of that money goes to massively rich farms and not to the vast majority that were affected by the tariffs. Then China talks about banning rare earth materials from being shipped to the US. 80% of rare Earth materials in the US come from China.
This is just the perpetual nature of government restriction and destruction of the free market.
This is not free, it's about as controlled as it gets.