Where do you send your currency ?

in #money7 years ago

Who gets your money ?

Who needs your money ?

Where does the money end up ?


You see organisations like Greenpeace, Unicef, Redcross and WWF and those type of "seemingly good" establishments, are simply owned through interest (any beyond) by companies like, McDonalds, Nike, Coca Cola, etc. Because of how we as humans vote with our money. Who we give power/money, in masses - mostly from how we are brainwashed into consumer culture. Understanding this ownership point (here through interest) was a real kick for me. This "false ownership" point is also something that the corporate world is very aware of. When will we all see this, and live real the change ?

Because the more money someone gets - the more they fear losing it.

We must give all equal.

That is the essence and purpose. That is the message of the prophets.

To support something real, something that has its grass roots in life (a real change) in equality and oneness: and what is best for all please support :



Cool - let's support something with integrity and value like Earth Haven.
