Thought and Experience are Proportional.

What we think (or imagine) is what we attract into our lives. Although this may sound "spiritual", but most times, people's experiences are often related to the thoughts that are most predominant in their heart. When you dwells so much on a line of thought, you intentionally (or unintentionally) begins to channel your energy towards it, and soon, you will begin to see it manifest in your life. This experience is called the law of attraction. What you think, you attract.


This is the reason why those who always think negative thoughts in their heart, such as being in an accident or falling sick do find themselves in a situations similar to what they have imagined. On the other hand, those who keep positive thoughts in their heart, do tend to experience outcomes that are in line with their thought. So, you can see it is up to you to decide what you think and in turn, what you experience.

Have you ever woken up one morning, and for some reason, you thought to yourself "I am going to have a bad day today". I bet you have. Through out that day, you will notice that you will meet several mishaps. Some persons actually feel that, since they had a bad day, then the thought must have actually been a prophecy. Fact remains that it wasn't a prophecy, rather, all you experienced on that day was as a result of your those dominant thoughts. Our predominant thought influences the outcome of our lives. It either makes us better or it hurts us.

I remember reading a story long time ago. It was about a trader whose name was Johnson. Johnson was a hard-working man, and through his hard work, he amassed great wealth. One day, he went on a journey to a far country to buy more goods. It was a two days journey, so he had to stop severally on the road to rest a little before continuing his journey.

On the evening of the first day, while he was passing a forest, he felt so tired. He decided to stop there for the night and then continue his journey the next day. He found a tree with a big shade, so he sat down under it.

While relaxing, he felt thirsty (he has used up the water during the day), out of deep longing for water, he thought in his heart "If only I had some water to drink right now". Soon after he thought that, a can filled with water appeared at his foot. He couldn't believe his eyes. So he took the water, drank it and wasn't thirsty again.

Few minutes later his stomach rumbled. He thought in his heart "if only I had some bread and meat, with a little wine right now, I will be the most happiest man". Soon after he thought that, plates filled with bread, meat and a keg full of wine appeared in front of him. He couldn't believe his luck. Since he was very hungry, he quickly ate up the food.

After eating, he felt so heavy, so he laid down at the foot of the tree, but he wasn't comfortable. He again thought in his heart "If only I had with me a fine Arabian mat, with some pillows, I will sleep like a baby". Just as before, the mat and the pillow appeared before him. He spread the mat under the tree and then laid down on it and slept off.

Mr Johnson was so happy with his luck. "What a lucky day it must be for him", he thought. He didn't know that the reason his thoughts were granted was because of the tree he laid under. The tree was a magical tree that fulfils a man's desires.

Few hours later, he woke up. Everywhere was so dark. He was also hearing the sounds of several animals like owls, tigers, lions e.t.c. He became so scared, then he thought to him self "I am alone in this forest filled with wild animals with no protection, they can come out at any minute now and I won't be able to defend myself". Soon after he thought that, a lion came out of the forest unexpectedly and devoured him. This was how Mr Johnson was killed because of his negative thought.


Some of us may ask, how can a man who saw three of his wishes or thought come tl pass think a negative thought during those moment? The truth is that, negative thoughts do come in a subtle manner. While we may make conscious effort to think good thoughts; negative thoughts, like all bad things, comes so easily.

Positive thinking always leads to positive results, while negative thinking always leads to negative result. Now, it is left to us to guide our heart with all diligence to always think positive thoughts; because, out of our heart comes the issues of our life.

Read, Ponder, Love.

© whileponderin