Today's Patent brought to you by Imperial College London! What are they up to now?

in #mrna3 years ago (edited)


You know how many people have told me that the "plan" to turn the human body into a drug delivery system controlled by the 3rd party is "wacko nonsense"?

A lot.

Yet, none of these people have bothered looking into the technology that makes this idea possible.

Imperial College London are not full of good people that care about the sanctity of human life, free choice, or freedom in general. They care about power and money.

This latest patent is called: "Drug Delivery Using Aptamar Construct" - an implantable device that will basically mess with your DNA and uses/utilizes what is called Thiol DNA.

This is the link to where I found this:

Granted, I do not understand every aspect of the "science" but I know enough to tell you that I do not want anyone to have access to my DNA to alter it, mess with it, tweak it, or in any other way have access to it. I certainly do not want strangers to have remote access.

This looks like it is one more building block to that sort of technology.