One Way to Solve Gender Pay Gap

in #mushposts6 years ago

There is a gender pay gap for men and women. Women earn less than men. This is clearly a sign of inequality and it is an issue that needs to be dealt with. Two customers segment that are experiencing this problem are currently employed women and unemployed women looking to be employed.

Women who are currently employed are not earning what their male counter part are earning. This is clearly a problem. For the same amount of work they do, female workers earn less than men. There is inequality. This hinders the motivation of female workers and leads to less efficiency in the whole organization. This is especially a major problem if the employed women do not know that they are earning less than men.

Unemployed women who are looking for work get less motivated to actually find jobs knowing that they will be earning less than men for doing the same amount of work. Being in a situation like this, unemployed women may not be able to negotiate to get higher salary. This is clearly a sign of inequality in our society.

A solution to deal with the issue of gender pay gap is having a web based application that can be incorporated into a company’s website which will allow for employees to anonymously state their gender, their salary and why they feel they are earning this salary. This application should be available for the public to view.

Women who are currently employed can see how much other women as well as men are earning. This way, they can see if they are being underpaid or not. This could clear any doubts they have and allow women to regain the lost motivation for work. If they see that a man who is equally skilled as them and is earning more, they can use this as support for getting higher salary. This will allow for voices of women in an organization to be heard properly.

Unemployed women can use this tool to see how much they could be earning in an organization. This access of information would allow them to negotiate for higher salary. Also, they can use this web application as a tool to see which organizations are actually promoting equal pay for men and women and apply for jobs at that organization. This will allow for women to be part of organizations that treat men and women equally.