Light and Heavy - The Iron Butterfly and Paulogia

in #music2 years ago

There are so many things I could blog about. Usually I keep it light. Music, dance, gaming, crypto, more music. That's what you find here. I could go heavy. I'm able to discuss more complex things like religion, politics, psychology, sociology. I can say what I think about these things and listen to what you think. We can disagree and I'll still love you as a fellow human!


The Iron Butterfly was a Psychedelic band from the 60s when Psychedelic music started. They picked the name because they were some combination of Heavy and Light. Hence the Iron and the Butterfly.

People in that genre of music might have been stoned or tripping on occasion. The story goes that when a new idea for a song was being sung for the group, they misheard the lyrics "In the garden of Eden, baby!" as "in-a-gadda-da-vida, baby!" The stuck with the misunderstood words and that was their big hit. The album version was well over 10 minutes long.

They also had another cool tune - Most Anything That You Want. It's pretty Light.

Most anything that you want girl, is alright by me.
I just wanna make you happy!

Most anything you want to discuss is alright by me.
Is there anything on your mind?
Anything light? Maybe something heavy?


Paulogia is a popular ex-Christian on YouTube. He was very into his religion for many years but he found things that just didn't add up. Now he makes several videos a week talking about his viewpoints often in the form of discussing an apologist's video.

Here's one such vid from a few days ago with 40K views already. He talks about The Big Bang, Abiogenesis, Evolution and Humanity. Heavy!

I wish you a Happy Monday my fellow crypto bloggers!



We can disagree and I'll still love you as a fellow human!

You are so kind dear sir Kenny !! I don't dare to talk about politics and religions because I'm not that knowledgeable and these issues seems case sensitive to me.

After such a long time I find a post from you with no actifit report card. Hope you doing good and spending a beautiful Monday over there. Stay blessed!!! ❤️❤️❤️

There are a lot of ideas out there, and I try to keep up with what people are saying on all different topics. Everyone can have their own opinion and I respect everyone!

It rained all day yesterday. I did get out for a short walk but I didn't bring my phone so no actifit activity was recorded. Maybe today I'll post my usual actifit report. :)

I wish you blessings as well! ❤️❤️❤️

Hi @kenny-crane; there are difficult issues but people make them more complicated... Thank you for your good wishes I hope you have a good day.

😉😊🤙 i like ALL the stuff u post..

Here's one that I like..

Nice video, thanks for sharing! Share anything in my comments, any time. I always like to see what others like!


Honestly! Your blogs on here no matter the way you keep it light always seems to be always enlightening . Especially when it comes to music , you've made me familiar with so many artistes and songs I clearly had no idea they exist . We learn everyday , and learning from you won't be an exception. Keep the flag flying !!

Thanks for your cool comment! I'll be sure to continue to bring new music and ideas here. :)

You really did a great work today and achieving a great actifit count