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RE: Cry Little Sister: My cover from vampire classic movie "The Lost Boys" (1987) and 40 days on lockdown!

in #music4 years ago

What an awesome cover! This is one of my favorite songs from the movie, the other one being "Lost in the Shadows".

I was seventeen when the movie came out and I must have seen it more than a dozen times back then.

1987 was a really great year and I have a lot of good memories from that period. Thanks for sending me on this stroll down memory lane. It lifted my spirits up a bit.


Thank you so much. I was more on the age of the younger brother but so many iconic movies I remember with fondness... In fact during lockdown I've been playing a lot of 80s, Mike Oldfield, this, Depeche Mode, Tears for Fears and movies like The Neverending Story, Legend and many others... so expect a few more geeky experiments. I always had a sweet spot for David, like he was a "Lost boy" after all, his death was not triumphant it was more sad, for a second you could see him humanly scared of dying... Glad it brought memories :)

I've been listening to a lot of 80s bands too, including those you mentioned. Looking back at those times makes me wish we could go back to the simple life we had back then. The music takes me back there.

And more than anything else, we miss being young and seemingly immortal. I guess that's why these vampire and werewolf movies appeal so much to us.

We all want to be able to "Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire."

I have always been more fae than vampire but kind of see vampires belonging to the "unseelie" court ;-)
Yes the nostalgia, I really like older movies and songs, I guess even my own originals have a little of retro vibe :)
sorry I couldn't not vote your comment in time, but feel free to reply and I'll do :)