Paige's Playlist: "Panacea" by Disasterpiece

in #music4 years ago

Paige's Playlist, May 15 2020: "Panacea" by Disasterpiece

I'll admit it, I've never actually beaten Hyper Light Drifter. I've meant to, but the game is pretty tough and doesn't run on my PC too well. However, Disasterpiece is one of my favorite composers, so I gave the soundtrack a listen. A good chunk of it is the minimalist synth/8-bit style that the composer is known for- and then, at the end, "Panacea". "Panacea" is an impressionist style piano piece that isn't out of place in the album, but it is a change from the electronic nature of the soundtrack as a whole. I adore "Claire de Lune", the classic tune by Debussy, and "Panacea" is very reminiscent of that style. It's mournful, and yet not entirely hopeless either, and it's gorgeous from start to finish. It's had a deep effect on me even without the context in the game. Now if only I could beat it...