1st rehearsal for Part 1 of… “Learning to Love thy Self and thy Neighbour, rather than a Life of Misery and Relentless Multiplying Punishment”
In preparation for our gig Non DJ Electronic Showcase 13 - December 20th @ Tago Mago Club, we’ve been rehearsing for the 45min set. here’s a rough draft of the 1st part of 4 parts -
To the Depths of the Abyss::
slow chugging grind, folky guitar and vocals, combined with bass, synths and drum machines. note lyrics are not written for this part when this was recorded, so harmonies of the chords were sung as a guide
Brendan Krotz [vocals / synths / drum machine]
Peter Gilchrist [acoustic guitar / guitar / mono synth / eggs]
Andrew Mcalpine [guitar]
Dave Thirkettle-watts [bass guitar]
Ryan RepliKator Knowles [vocals]
#noiserock #synthwave #industrial #drone #SoundCloud #music #ArchieJonesObscureOverlords #noiserock #folkrock #synthwave #drone #industrial #psychedelic #blackmetal #tagomago #melbourne
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