Sam VanFossen Quarantine Concerts 1-2

in #music4 years ago

Sam VanFossen
Quarantine Concerts 1-2

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Hey Hivers! I would like to introduce you to my Quarantine Concert Series. I will be streaming these shows regularly from my Facebook music page called Sam VanFossen Music. I'm sure you're all aware that as soon as Covid-19 became a pandemic, all musicians lost all their currently booked gigs from roughly March 15 through what seems to be becoming the whole summer. We don't even actually know yet if we will be playing our booked gigs for the rest of 2020. For those of us who make our entire living from playing live shows, this has been devastating. Personally, my schedule was completely full through August, and 2020 was shaping up to be my best year yet. But now, all of that is gone.

Thankfully, when it comes to donations on live streaming, I have been luckier than many other musicians I know. Those donations along with the US stimulus check I received, have been keeping me financially afloat. I am extremely grateful for this, because I dread embarking on the process of filing for government unemployment pay. It is a convoluted process already, and the system has been overwhelmed since Covid-19 began shutting down the country. Also, I have never paid into unemployment and don't feel I have the right to draw from it. I truly can't thank my viewers enough.

Below you will find the first two installments of my Quarantine Concert Series, and I will be posting all of the future installments in separate posts. These first two are simply recorded from Macbook, but the future broadcsts will have much better audio quality using Logic Pro X into OBS. I would love to interact with comments, suggestions, song requests, etc. on this post or in the YouTube comments. They always help.

Tips are appreciated, but not expected! PayPal Me or Venmo: Sam-Vanfossen (case sensitive)

Enjoy Quarantine Concerts 1 & 2!
All the best,


Here a little token of appreciation! :)

I appreciate the token!

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