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RE: Album Covers Contest#65 *Winners* of 2 SBI

in #music6 years ago

I also must say to you that I'm not in condition to post the contest every week so I'll try to post the contest from time to time but not every wednesday as I used to do.

No problem, take your time.

Thanks for the prize. By the way, why have you only counted one of my answers?



Oh, yes, sorry! 2 correct answers, I don't know what I was thinking!

So the correct table now is:

usernametotal earningssent to SBI
@trincowski12,5 SBI12 SBI
@barmbo8,5 SBI8 SBI
@hockney6 SBI6 SBI
@wolffeys5 SBI5 SBI
@koskl3 SBI3 SBI
@myfreebtc1 SBI1 SBI
@qwerrie0,5 SBI0 SBI

No problem. Thanks for the update.