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RE: From the Confinement of my home studio: These are Strange times but "Enjoy the Silence" oh and test test!

in #music4 years ago

I am genuinely scared, you know that I've been fighting some battles with health :( plus I got "its cousin" back in the day and was no fun. I do not know if I ever mention my formation was as molecular biologist even if I couldn't work (animal rights) at it. I'm on my third week, longing for woods, and today I officially run out of coffee so trying to find home delivery services but amazon has risen products to absurd prices :( and local stores are not delivering.


Sabe here... and Tixa is pregnant, so extra care needed... We wish all the best for you guys! I’m sure we will handle this... 🙃

oh my yes, be safe !! and congrats guys! Give her a hug from my behalf and all the fufunchis, here I'll be connecting on facebook and instagram informal connections and to youtube when I feel ready