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It's actually very simple the miss universe acually need a new set of rules as to whether transgender participating in the actually acceptable because in my opinion miss universe is actually for women, the phrase that having a Vagina doesn't make you a woman is quite bizzare, if a vagina is not a characteristic of womanhood then I wonder what really makes you a woman?

To me transgender women are actually men that have every properties and qualities of being a man, from their way of thinking to the mindset and conscience they still remain men to me and participating in miss universe originally meant for women definitely doesn't feel right.

My opinion is that I do not have anything against trans performing at the miss universe but my point is that it's only their appearances that makes them look women their inner self and consciousness is still masculine.

It will definitely feel better if there was a beauty pageant for trans, whether male or female, vice versa. The culture and purpose of this pageant was meant originaly for women and trans soiling it is like contaminating it's original essence

Another great answer mate, I could see it passingbthe million mark by monday or tuesday but then falling back. I dont really understand how it allmworks but obviously this rise isnt indefinite!

There are no records in history of anyone dying from the active ingredient in marijuana which is THC. Smoking itself is harmful and could probably kill you just cause smoking itself is harmful. You can get around this by using a vaporizer or by eating marjuana in a snack or food after preparing the marijuana by frying it in some kind of fat like butter. You can take insane amounts of THC these days by consuming butane hash oil made from good weed and no you won't die unless there impurities in the hash oil or worst case scenario you will have a bad trip and get a panic attack but you probably won't die. You die from coffee than from marijuana, but even that scenario is quite unlikely.

It's great, especially if it helps unanswered questions find an answer. Every improvement to musing just keeps making it better!

It is awesome. Recommended questions (and answers) was muissing so far.

The biggest problem was that until now Musing was merely a feed and no awesome threads were highlighted. The problem with that being that when you arrive on the site via an external link, you don’t know where to go next.

Shaping the flow of traffic is a very important thing for websmasters as most users don’t know where to go next and will generally follow the options given. If you look for example at a site like WebMD you will see that when you enter it via Google, and even when browsing the site, each article has plenty of related links in the sidebar. That’s because you came for a specific thing and the site tells you ‘Don’t leave yet! Here’s more of that topic’.

That is also very important for SEO btw.

Thus it wouldn’t be surprising if over time, and depending on how you found the question thread, the recommended links will be more related to the question you are currently reading or answering.

Thanks! Looking into them. And yes, for Musing.

The sight of a mouse in one's house is a nightmare because with one comes along others for a party. They have a vivacious breeding habit such that in a matter of weeks, you could have a dozen of them. Apart from the fact that they communicate using their urine dropping diseases everywhere, they could harm your cable wires, eat up your documents, destroy your food items and cause so much havoc and this is why they are pests and the first thought of a house owner on sighting them is to kill them, I do kill them actually.

However, there are animal lovers who would rather look for a less horrible way to get rid of them without causing any harm

1. The use of scents. Rats have a sharp sense of smell and they hate the scent of some spices like peppermint, black pepper, garlic . Simply acquire these items and place them in sensitive areas where you know there is an increase in the rat activities. This is a natural and safe method of chasing them out of your house but do not forget these creatures are smart and can easily circumvent this.

2. Use of non-lethal traps.: these are human traps that are made in such a way to trap the rat in a container with no way out. It uses baits anywhere. Just drop the trap where there is high rodent activity or droppings and watch them take the bait. After it catches them, dispose of the rat very far away from your house to ensure it doesn't return again.

3. Keep your home clean and tidy. Rats ain't dirty animals but a dirty environment is more appealing to them. Secure your food tightly and seal up all holes. These will help you get rid of the rats humanely without having to poison or kill them.

There are various ways you can control sex urge. Sex urge firstly starts from the mind so one of the ways you can control sex urge is to control what goes through your mind. When your mind is filled with sexual thoughts, the resultant effect is constant sex urge. So control what goes through you mind.

But in order to control what your mind ponders on, you have to consider what you feed your eyes and ears. What we look at consistently and listen to, influence what go through our minds.. when you spend your time watching or listen to sexual content, you're filling your mind with sexual thought and the resultant effect is sexual urge.

So control what you watch and listen to. You also need to keep yourself busy engaging in productive work. An active heart would have no need dwelling on sexual urge. whenever you're having such urge, just get yourself busy and the urge would die down.

Plenty of masturbation. Get on pornhub

I had been invited to an event and there was going to be lots of people, I mean people that were from my past, my former classmates, friends from a long time ago. It would have been been a really nice time today catch up on old times.

However, I couldn't man up. This might seen strange to some people but I have a fear for crowds. I can literally have panic attacks just being in a place like that. So, I made the regrettable decision to not be attend.

It was a friend's wedding. She had been beryl close to me when we were in school that people actually thought we were dating. We had an emotional attachments quite alright but it had nothing to do with a relationship. We were just good friends that were close.

While the occasion was going on, I kept thinking about all the good things that would happen. It pained me terribly that I wasn't there for her.

Later that day and till the next week, friends started uploading pictures on Facebook and I felt really sad. It was all I could do with to stop myself from shedding tears. Up till now, I haven't been able to reach her. Even if I did, I wouldn't know the exact excuse to give. It's still fresh in my memory as it happened just two weeks ago

Yes, I have boycotted something important in my life for something much more important in my life.

After my degree in college, I started my job hunt and finally got a good paying job for my level of education and it was a dream job for me and a month to my official resumption I decided to try out taking a form to further in my academics.

At first I was skeptical about it, I needed to school the more but o needed the money as well as the experience. I just decided to try out my luck.

A month passed by and I resumed my job and two months passed by without hearing no news from the school on the status of my admission, I then lost hope and was thanking God I didn't throwaway the job offer.

By the third month when I've lost hope on admission for that particular year, I received a letter from the college admission office I was applying to that I've been admitted to further my studies. This came as a shock to me because it was the same day I received news from my boss that I'd be part of a research team to another country which is my dream come through. Some would say it was a double blessing but I was stuck in a quagmire because I had to resume school immediately if I plan to meet up with my studies.

I weighed my options and decided to let my boss know I'd not be going on the researchers expedition because I would be going back to school. I felt I had bitter because I might not get that kind of opportunity again but I also felt Happy because furthering my academics is my dream come through.

I boycotted the very much important job and research expedition for my very much important academics. Both were important but my academics was more important.

To answer your question I think we have to determine why it is that we have rights in the first place. Is it because we are sentient beings or is it simply because we are human. Well human rights are defined as rights which everyone is entitled to BY VIRTUE OF BEING HUMAN. So if it isn't human, then it shouldn't have any rights if if you ask me, I mean would you give bigsby or Google assistant or your cellphone camera which has AI features rights?? No you wouldn't.

There's a reason why in just about every movie about AI, the robots rise up and slaughter the humans, and that's because human beings become sentimental and start attaching longing qualities to inanimate objects. Just because it can talk back to you doesn't make it real, just because it may seem sentient doesn't mean it's truly alive, so no, I don't support giving it any legal rights, I don't even support making any sentient robots in the first place. I think you should check out the movie "Extinction", you'll get what I'm trying to say.

I think it was Fay Lapka, one of my favourite writers as a child who said that "Fiction is not just a product of our imagination, it's a prediction of what could happen". Anybody working on creating sentient robots like Sophia should probably thread carefully and be smart about whatever you're building, humanity is at the point where science and science-fiction are becoming dangerously close.

Legal rights refer to rights in accordance with the law,legal rights are based on a societies customs and laws, with the ubiquitous nature of law in mind it could be assumed legal rights exist in every modern society.An example of a legal right is the right to vote, in any society voting is considered a delicate issue as it involves the enthronement of a new leader charged with the responsibility of pleasing his people,different factors influence the voting choice of people some which may include the ability of the candidate to appeal to their emotions , with this example it's clear that a "conscious robot" will be incapable of participating in the electoral process making "it" unqualified to have such rights.

Another example would be the right to life, in most modern societies the right to life is embedded into the constitution making it a legal right, in the case of a "conscious robot " I'll assume "conscious" indicates it's intelligence which is not an indication of the existence of life, regardless of the robot being capable of making decisions and mimicking emotions, it would be illogical to grant it the right to life simply because it is not alive biologically nor emotionally , instead it should be protected by property rights.

Basically what I'm saying is a robot no matter it's mental capabilities should not and cannot be granted the same legal rights as humans simply because it is a lower "life" form.

Courtship is simply a stage in a relationship where you get certain that the person you're with is the person that you want to share the rest of your life with. It's the stage of intense commitment to the one you love and this stage precedes the marriage state of the relationship.

Courtship starts after proposal. The period from when you propose to the time of the actual wedding is the courtship period. This is a kinda delicate stage in a relationship because both you and your partner have decided to be vulnerable to each other. You let go all your defences and allow the other person in completely. Just be cautious of how you behave and what you say to her. Because your partner will tend to read more meaning into every of your word and action.

Be yourself and treat her like the queen she is to you. Whenever you're not cool with any arrangement, try to discuss it with her and share your thoughts and fears with her on why you're not cool with such an arrangement. That's the woman you wanna share your life with so you gotta learn to be open to each other and share your fears. There's nothing really much to do. Just love and cherish and be open to her concerning anything that you're not cool and everything will fall into place.

I use TUSD. It is way better than tether.

great answer froggy, mucho besos! :)

What is tie?

Tie is a digital money that its makers guarantee is pegged to the U.S. dollar. The thought is that it's considerably more steady than most computerized coins that have enormous value swings.

It was developed in 2015 and hypothetically a man would pay $1 for one tie coin.

At present, there are 2.2 billion tie available for use, as indicated by information from, a site that tracks digital money costs.

Who made it?

The computerized coins are issued by an organization called Tie Constrained that is represented by the laws of the English Virgin Islands, as indicated by the legitimate piece of its site. It is joined in Hong Kong.

It has developed that Jan Ludovicus van der Velde is the President of digital money trade Bitfinex, which has been blamed for being associated with the value control of bitcoin, and in addition tie.

What's the purpose of tie?

Numerous individuals exchanging on trades, including Bitfinex, will utilize tie to purchase different cryptographic forms of money like bitcoin.

Tie Constrained contends that utilizing this strategy to purchase virtual monetary standards enables clients to move fiat all through a trade all the more rapidly and inexpensively. Likewise, trades commonly have rough associations with banks, and utilizing Tie is an approach to dodge that.

"Trade clients know how dangerous it tends to be to hold fiat monetary standards on a trade. With the developing number of indebtedness occasions it very well may be very risky. As specified already, we trust that utilizing ties opens trade clients to less counter-party chance than consistently holding fiat on trades," the organization clarifies in a whitepaper on its site.

So what's the discussion?

Right off the bat, many have raised worries that tie is being issued by the general population who possess the Bitfinex trade. Faultfinders contend that there ought not be such a cozy relationship.

In any case, the issues run further than that. Fears have been raised that Tie Restricted doesn't really hold enough U.S. dollars to back all the computerized coins available for use. These gossipy tidbits have been flowing for a couple of months.

Not long ago, Bloomberg announced that the U.S. Item Prospects Exchanging Commission sent subpoenas on December 6 to Bitfinex and Tie, refering to an unknown source.

Tie has likewise been discharging more coins onto the market In January, alone Tie has discharged 850 million new advanced tokens. The organization has been expanding the quantity of coins available for use in the course of recent months, and this has corresponded with the record highs found in digital currency costs, making a few commentators propose there is value control going on.

"Over the recent months, an enormous measure of tie has been made, it has moved to the Bitfinex trade and apparently purchases bitcoin and different cryptos. This, I accept, has been keeping the cost up," Nicholas Weaver, a senior scientist at the Global Software engineering Establishment at Berkeley, California, told CNBC by telephone Thursday.

To back these cases up, an unknown measurable examination posted online a week ago took a gander at the connection between bitcoin cost and tie. The end was that tie is made when bitcoin is falling.

"Tie printing moves the market obviously; 48.8 percent of BTC's value ascend in the period considered happened in the two-hour time frames following the entry of 91 diverse tie stipends to the Bitfinex wallet," the investigation said.

What does Tie Constrained say?

CNBC has contacted Tie Restricted for input yet has not gotten an answer.

In September 2017, the organization discharged a report entitled "verification of assets," purportedly demonstrating that it had the required stores. Be that as it may, it was a long way from clear and the names of the banks were passed out.

Besides, Friedman LLP, the bookkeeping that did the review, has cut ties with Tie. As per a report from CoinDesk a week ago, the two gatherings had "broke up" their relationship.

What next?

Given that the unknown report claims tie was in charge of 48.8 percent of bitcoin's value ascend in 2017, the creator said there could be a 30 percent to 80 percent revision. Maybe this is now occurring as bitcoin fell beneath $8,000 Friday out of the blue since November 24.

"In the event that a tie catastrophe unfurls, it will probably cause a significant pulverizing expansive influence crosswise over a large number of the trades that see the majority of their volumes exchanged against the as far as anyone knows USD-upheld cryptographic money. In such a situation, we may see cryptographic money costs withdraw drastically in the following month or somewhere in the vicinity," Thomas Glucksmann, head of APAC business advancement at digital money trade Gatecoin, told CNBC by email Friday.

The other response could be something comparable to a bank run. This would occur if the estimation of tie goes to zero and after that individuals abruptly ask for their fiat cash back. Tie can never again prop some other digital money up.

"You could see a spike in costs in tie just bitcoin trades. In this way, on those trades just you will see a keep running up in value contrasted with the bitcoin trades that really work with really cash. So you would see a tremendous cost wander as individuals see that just way they can transform tie into genuine cash is to purchase other digital money at that point move to another trade. That is a bank run," Weaver said.

Adjustment: This article has been altered to mirror the right measure of tie available for use.



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are you just copying and pasting anything? i mentioned tither not tie ....

great recommendation. sounds interesting. thank you.

Well, like every other platforms, the names give to the folks who uses the platform is derived directly from the name of the platform. For instance steemit is a platform and those who use it are called steemians. Also, Facebook Is a platform and those who use it are called facebookers.

Therefore, the most ideal name that cab be given to the folks who use this platform, myself included is MUSERS.

The word Musers is derived from the root word muse which simply means source of inspiration. And as we know musing has been a source of inspiration to many people through the contributions of its members to the existing body of knowledge in the world. itself was derived from the word muse so it is only proper to derive the name given to the users of the platform from the same word, hence the reason why i suggested the word MUSERS.

MUSERS is the most ideal name to be given to the folks that makes musing home.

Great recommendation - liked that name. Thank you.

I will upvote this in respect of you managing to turn a 1 word answer into 4 paragraphs!

Great recommendation. like Museli as well. Thank you.

Regardless of what you look like at it, an anime is a toon. The fundamental distinction is that an anime is viewed as a Japanese style of toons in the West.

Numerous English-dialect lexicons characterize anime as "a Japanese style of film liveliness" or as "a style of movement created in Japan."

In any case, in Japan, the expression "anime" does not determine an activity's country of cause or style. Rather, it fills in as a sweeping term to allude to all types of liveliness from around the globe (both remote and local). "Anime" is credit word alluding to "liveliness" or "kid's shows," adjusted from the English word "activity."

Taking this from another point of view, in Japan, Disney motion pictures are alluded to as "Disney Anime", This alludes to a specific style, not the class all in all.

The Japanese Wikipedia on "anime" particularly takes note of that:


While in Japanese, "liveliness" was curtailed to "anime," Outside of Japan, the word has been utilized just to allude to media considered "Japanese activity." However in Japan, the nation of root and abstract style (of the media) are not considered while applying "anime" to it.

Western kid's shows and anime can both shift in illustration styles, in view of the staff, spending plan, and character/set outlines. Anime arrangement are regularly more point by point than your normal western show as there is a greater amount of a wealth of in fact talented craftsmen abroad than there are accessible in the West.

Both can achieve distinctive age paying little heed to their underlying target group of onlookers (Avatar: The Last Airbender, My Little Pony, and Adventure Time are prominent precedents).

Ordinarily western toons are more carefree when contrasted with Japanese anime. In any case, both can manage more develop subjects, in both a genuine (like Cyber 6, Mighty Max, and Dungeons and Dragons) and hilarious light (like Futurama, South Park, The Simpsons, and Family Guy). There are western kid's shows for develop grown-ups simply like there are 18+ anime in Japan.

In the event that you ask the normal individual in your nation and one in Japan, both will view them as silly. The distinction among anime and kid's shows is extremely abstract. It normally comes down to what you like and how you like it.

Great question!!! I like the fact that people are getting more comfortable with asking anime based questions on musing.

The difference between them lies in the origin of each one. Animes are mainly asian animations, usually Japanese, which like marvel and DC cartoons are based on Japanese comics or "mangas" as they are called. Mangas differ from comics in the sense that they are actually black and white and aren't coloured at all. They are also usually shorter than comics and come out more frequently. Some animes may be based on manhuas which are also Japanese comics, but are in full colour.

The defining factor of animes is that they follow what happens in their mangas to the letter, except for the addition of some filler episodes and a slight change in the story if the show is being cancelled, they mostly serve as an on-screen re-enactment of what we see in the mangas or manhuas.

Cartoons on the other are shows which usually have no direct origin to any comic book or manga and when they do, they don't follow it the same way animes do. Even shows like Iron man, avengers, Spiderman and so on which are based on already existing comics, don't actually follow the storylines of these comics because there are so many different versions, at best they pick a single storyline and augment it a bit. Most of the time, fresh storylines are created and presented on TV which have nothing to do with the comics.

The creative direction of a cartoon is dependent on the writers but that of a manga is purely dependent on the manga, there's no way around it.

Content writers are individuals that write creative contents for websites and organizations. They write professionally based on what the organizatio wants them to write and they are very thoughtful with their choice of words. The goal of a content writer is to keep readers interested in the message they are conveying and spur such readers to read more and take action. A content writer cannot share or promote his/her personal opinion but the opinions of the individual or organization that he/she is writing for. There's no room for sentiment in their write up- everything must be done professionally.

A blogger on the other hand write to entertain or to keep readers hooked. They share their opinions and sentiment in their write up and they decide the flow of the write up. Bloggers share and promote their opinions in an informative or entertaining manner while content writers share and promote the opinion of the individual or organization that they are writing for.

DLive was the first decentralized video live streaming platform built on top of the Steem blockchain. You could say that it was the "Twitch platform" of Steem as most content posted there are livestreams that includes but not limited to gaming, travel, art and vlogs.

Because of how the Steem community showed interest on their platform and how DLive showed potential for months, the Steemit Inc team delegated around 2 Million Steem Power to them for the purpose of curating some contents(videos) published via their platform. This made DLive one of the top 5 platforms on Steem for months until last week when they announced that they will be moving from the Steem Blockchain to the LINO Blockchain.

As expected a lot of Steem users were disappointed by this sudden move of DLive. I for one think that they just used Steem to start a solid community and earn some funds to start their own blockchain. Grr

Anyways, DTube can be seen as the "Youtube" of Steem. Like Youtube it is mostly used for vlogging and uploading videos. They also do have livestreaming which right now is not that popular with their users (don't know why). Unlike DLive though, Dtube take a 25% cut on your potential payout which honestly is a lot for me and why I preferred DLive months ago.

So yeah the difference right now is that DLive is now on LINO blockchain and DTube is a video social media platform built on top of Steem.

I take it you mean long distance relationships. Well I've been in one and I'm currently about to be in another one so I know it's very possible for long distance relationships to last, but it depends on the attitude of the two people involved in the relationship.

If both parties are actually willing to put in the effort to make it work then I'm pretty sure it can work, but if one person doubts that possibility even for a second then that's a recipe for disaster right there.

The most important thing is their communication, if the two people involved can maintain steady communication between each other then they shouldn't really have much of a problem. Granted long distance relationships are lacking in terms of physical contact, I've found that people who are far away from each other tend to communicate more than people who live close to each other. This is probably because talking with each other is all they have, without it then they're just friends who live in different parts of a country or the world.

Distance can be a good thing too, it can help you appreciate what it means to have the person you love beside you, and when you eventually make your relationship a normal one, you'll cherish it far more than people who've never experienced a long distance relationship.

I'm a writer so I think I can provide a few insights on this. But to clarify, by beloved do you mean,

a) a strong relatable character?

b) a well built realistic character?

c) a lovable character whom everyone likes?

I ask this because a strong fictional character is not exclusively a very happy very loving one that everyone roots for. Sometimes the bad guy, the evil lady, the ruffians and the thieves might be the character that elicit the strongest reactions from us. Even if that reaction is hate.

I will try to explain to my knowledege how a character like this may be created. Also if what you're referring to is the latter, i.e a lovable character whom everyone fawns over, I will also try to elaborate on means by which that can also be achieved.

First of all, we must identify what makes any work of fiction thrive, what makes the reader stay engrossed and keep reading, and this is CONFLICT. A conflict is a situation that provides the impetus and the action. Let us keep this in mind for now.

The first thing to do in creating a character is the identification of traits. I.e is the character male or female, tall or short, white or black, pink or yellow? (lol)

Note that having identified your character traits in your mind, you do not have to bombard your readers with all the details, but only the ones important to the plot. Ernest Hemingway refered to this as the Iceberg Theory.

Now having set your character in your reader's mind, a way to make them lovable or admirable is to give them traits that conform to conventional goodness and beauty. Lovely eyebrows, charming smile, blue eyes, great hair etc. But all these, it still should be said, are only by the way and are by no means the important part.

The important part is where the conflict comes in. The part where you throw your characters into a conflicting situation. A situation that sets a challenge for them and mostly require them to make a decision. Examples of conflict in books and movies might be the part where a lady chooses between two men in triangle romance; the part where a dragon attacks in fantasy, the scene where Daisy had to choose between Gatsby and Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby.

In all these cases you'll notice there are also characters and elements that bring about the conflicts, but that is a scope of discussion for another question entirely.

The important thing, however, as I was saying, is the part where your character makes the decision. This is important because most of times the fate of the character, not only in the fictional word but also in real life with the audience, depends on this. This is where your character can be shown to be lovable or sinister.

Another good advice when creating characters is to make the character with relatable traits so as to inspire verrisimiltude but never to make them respond to situations predictably. Make him or her do and say things that are totally peculiar and unpredictable. This way even a sinister character may be admired for his or her uniqueness. Trust me, uniqueness is a trait valued by even the greatest pessimist.

Another area you can work on is the aftermath of the decison. Here you can switch things up and introduce a PLOT TWIST. Remember the story is ultimately yours and you can choose to steer it in any direction YOU want. You can choose to make the seemingly good decision turn out the bad one. You can make the seemingly innocent character turn out absolutely evillllll; the evil one you can make to turn out good.

This is a form of what is known as CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, which is one of the most important part of fiction writing.

Then comes your DENOUEMENT or resolution, where the pieces are then restored and peace falls upon the city once or more, or if there's no chance of peace, at least the storm is passed and the characters have the chance to live on in the audience's mind.

Hope I've managed to answer your question satisfactorily.


Oh there are quite a few reasons behind social media obsession; some are even more rational than you'd think.

1. Life gets boring.

The internet, on the other hand, is always active. This is what happens when you billions of people all congragating in the same location.

Our lives get boring and life has been made so "easy" by the internet that you can basically sit in the comfort of your house and enjoy the benefits of relating with people whom you might not even have the chance to.

People, by the way, of different characters and dispositions. Whatever kind of person you're looking for in the internet you're sure to find. Then again we have the celebrities who have made their life an entertainment. We follow the celebrities, see them constantly posting their glamorous lifestyles and we want to do the same.

2. You can be a better or less genuine you.

It may simply be a case of imitation or just wanting to spice up our boring lives but there's no doubt the internet affords us the opportunity of a clean slate.

You open a twitter account and get hundreds of followers from all over the world who have no idea what you're like in real life. You realize you have the opportunity to be something else. Something flashier or stronger or more mature or funnier or meaner or more handsome and more beautiful than you're percieved in real life.

This is why most people seize the opportunity by posting filtered version of their lifestyles. Posing with cars they don't have or applying excessive filters and giving themselves beauty they don't have or copying quotes and showcasing knowledge they don't have.

Nobody should tell anyone how to live their lives of course but you can't help but consider that it's a shame people aren't using the opportunity of the internet to really re-invent themselves, and TRULY make themselves better people.

3. Another reason people get obessed with social media is that they want us to!

Yes, there are people out there who want you to spend every second of your day surfing Facebook! Because they make an enormous amount of money from it.

Which is why they're busy devising more means and features to make you do just that. They want you to wake up and make the first thing you think about as you wake to be the number of likes your photo got the previous day and how you're going to get a borrowed car to pose with so as to get more likes.

4. Following the crowd

Is another reason for social media addiction. Sometimes though we might bit be able to resist this, at least not without paying the priceof ostracization or being "out of the know".

Most of our friends are all there, most conversations and informations have become virtual. And this is why the next point should me as a sort of post scriptum.


Social media isn't all bad. And spending time on there or getting people to spend time there isn't entirely bad either. So long as you have a tangible reason to be there; something tangible you have as a reward for it.

For example or, fiverr, amazon, quora etc are places you can spend your time and not only gain valuable knowledge but also earn real cash and have great fun at the same time!


I think this has a lot to do with people's mentality. Social media is basically an outlet for people to vent out their frustrations in hopes that they'll see someone that might understand just exactly what they're going through.

Add to that the fact that alot of people are more interested in creating false images of themselves online than in reality and you'll begin to see why people are so obsessed with social media.

The advent of social media provided an escape for people and a means for people to connect with other people around the world, but this slowly changed from connecting with others around the world to being worshipped by people around the world. It became a race to see who could amass as many views or followers or likes or even upvotes as the case may be.

Social media has made us feel like we have to share our daily activities with people online because our online life is more important than our real one. The fact that you could get a "you look good" or a "great job bro" online but not in real life also adds to the reason why people are so addicted to social media. Everybody wants to be appreciated and everybody loves getting complimented, if you can't get that in real life then the next best place to get it is on social media.

There are some people with whom you cant tell certain things directly. They use social media as tool to convey their thoughts. But on the other side some people who in seek of attention upload sad post. whenever they are worried and expect others to ask about their problems. They post anything to get attention.

Some express there happiness like posts all good moments which is fine to some extend when it crosses the limit it becomes a problem they will not enjoy the reality. For example if someone loves rain they must sit and feel it instead seeing through camera and posting it wont give them actual happiness of rain.

Now a days its very easy to know about someones personal life as they post everything in social media which may end up in trouble. You can post things but there should be a limit and you must not allow everyone to know everything about you and your personal life.

Social media are most people only means of getting the sort of attention they crave for that they aren't getting in real life. The average human loves attention and complement and social media seem to offer most people that.

You see people that haven't gotten a complement or commendation in a long while in real life having lots of that in the social media. That's why so many people likes posting everything about themselves in the social media because they are seeking approval and commendation.

Amazing reply! Definitely bookmarking this :) I actually do need a video editor for a new project, so this is very useful.

Final Cut Pro gives you a months trial!! Worth a look ! I got a few videos made in that time.

. Olive oil

Olive oil is not only used for cooking, but also hair care. Olive oil can also remove dandruff to the maximum. The trick is to apply olive oil to the scalp and gently massage the head until the olive oil seeps. Then let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with water until clean.

 Aloe vera

Aloe vera has very many properties for beauty. Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera can refresh the scalp as well as a way to eliminate dandruff. The trick is to smooth aloe vera meat, then spread it to the surface of the scalp and massage the coconut. Allow the aloe to infuse for 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

Lime and coconut milk

If you often look for ways to get rid of dandruff naturally, you will often hear that lime is effective for removing it. You can get rid of dandruff by applying these two ingredients to the scalp. Then let stand for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.


Vinegar commonly used as a cooking ingredient, can now also be a liquid that can eliminate dandruff. Abrasive vinegar can remove dead skin that is peeling off the scalp. However, do not use too much vinegar, limit its use because it is quite hard.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is not only used to make cakes, but also one of the ways to get rid of dandruff. For this one ingredient, don't use it too often. How to use it is quite easy, namely by mixing baking soda with warm water and then applying it to the scalp.

It's not wrong but it's risky. Since both of you are meeting for the first time, it would be ideal and safer to meet in a neutral ground other than the person's home. Beside, you can't truly tell who that person is. Most people have different image online and different image in real life. Meeting someone you don't know before for the first time in his place is very risky.

Most people have been taken advantage of through such meeting. What if you don't like the person in life, how would you retreat. If you meeting in an open place like an eatery, you can easily walk away if things fall short of what you expected or he/she tried to take advantage of you. But in his/her place, you can't walk away easily should things fall short of what you expected.

Meeting in a public place for the first time is ideal and safer.

Well in a sane world, there is nothing wrong with visiting an online friend at home for the first time but it's quite unfortunate that we are in an insane world where every stranger has the potential of being a good guy or a rapist, kidnapper or a murderer.

Visiting an online friend at home can be very risky especially if you do not trust the to a large extent. People can be saints online but demons in reality so you've got to be careful with whom you put blind trust in when visiting for the first time.

Furthermore, you have to be prepared for the worst to happen so that you'd not end up being victim to certain social vices.

Conclusively, if you can avoid it, you can meet for the first time in a public place and if you must see the person in his home, go prepared

Definitely it is wrong to visit online friend at home for first time because u dont know who they actually are and also you dont know about their intensions on you. You cant believe someone blindly just by talking through online.

So it is always good to meet your online friend somewere in common place for first time. There are many people who convince by speaking full of lies only when u meet in real you can figure out things more clearly. This world has many fake people its always wrong to trust someone so soon and invite them to home. It will be safer if u meet them up were you can get help.

Oh boy it's got to be star wars!!! There's no contest here. Star Trek is great, but Star wars has it beaten in every way!!

Can you imagine what the world would be like today if the words "May the force be with you" were never spoken?? The very concept of the Jedi Knights battling the darkside is nothing short of genius. Don't even get me started on the concept of the light saber, a weapon able to cut through just about anything, I can't even begin to understand the physics behind how it works.

Then there's the fact that we get to see Luke Skywalker grow as a character and as a Jedi, shaping himself up to do battle with Darth Vader and the sith lord, only to find out that Darth Vader was actually his father, completely blowing everyones mind away!!!!!

It doesn't end there, like all great franchises, the show isn't complete unless we get to go back into the past and see the events that lead to the beginning of the entire franchise and we meet Luke's father, Anikin. We get to watch as he's corrupted by the darkside and eventually ends up becoming Darth Vader.

Let's not forget the new episodes with the resistance fighting not only for the sake of the galaxy, but for their very lives!!! The story is just beyond real!!! There's so much depth in it that they even have successful spin off stories like Solo and Rogue one. You can't pull of something like this if the franchise wasn't brilliant.

It's Star Wars for me any day and any time, sorry Spock.

Personally I prefer star trek to star wars. Growing up we all heard about the most epic scene in all of movie history. The scene from star wars where Luke found out that Darth Vader was actually his supposedly dead father. I looked forward to the day I'd watch that scene and then one day I did. And it was the worst bit of acting I had ever seen. The truth is that most people only like star wars because of the Jedis. Han solo, chubaka and the rest of them are nice and all but the Jedis are the main attraction

Star Trek on the other hand is full of adventure and every character is interesting in his or her own way. Then putting them all together makes for a most entertaining film.

When watching star trek, I enjoy the entire film, from the first second to the last but with star wars, I only look forward to the scenes where the Jedi fight or use the force. The clones aren't interesting at all in my opinion

Not really dapps but thanks. There are some on that list that I didnt know of. Thanks

These aren't dapps, but thanks. You can add Partiko to your list of steem apps that can help you make money and steemmonsters

You are probably wondering about the current increase in post payouts right now but posts value is defined by 3 things.

1) The SP of the voter which controls the amount you get

2) The price of steem which can drastically change the vote value of people and it tends to be the main influencer.

3) the rewards pool, which is what is increasing the value of posts right now.

This increase in value is happening because the reward pool was left basically unused in the days after hf20 when steem was unstable and everyone VP went down to 20%. The reward pool is forcibly redistributing it's content right now so that it gets used more, think of it like a happy accident that will reward you for your constant activity :-D

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

No you won't get any reward from musing for delegating any steempower to them. I'm not entirely sure what musing's business model is exactly but I know that it has nothing to do with rewarding people for delegating steempower to them.

With that in mind, you could still delegate some of your steempower to musing; if you feel that musing has done alot for you, and I'm sure it has, then I don't think it's a bad idea. I plan to delegate a little steempower to them soon, even though I don't have much, at the very least, it would be my way of saying thank you to them.

Oh yes there are rewards. Maybe not directly. Because to my knowledge musing offers no such compensation in their business package, but indirectly there a quite a number of ways you and the entire platform can benefit:

First by giving musing more steem power you give the opportunity to cast bigger votes, which would provide even higher rewards for people on the platform who asks and answer questions. Yourself included. So in the short run if you keep being a dilligent muser (I called people who using musing musers) then you can expect to get a return in terms of even higher rewards dor your efforts.

Another way you benefit also steems from the above, that is the higher the steem power musing has the higher the reward, the higher the numner of people who wants to use musing, the bigger the platform gets, the more curators we have, leading to higher efficiency leading to even higher number of users... on and on in that beautiful cycle that in the ends come to benefit us all abundantly!

So you see that while there may be no short term immediate reward, there is a more fruitful indirect long term reward. Have a nice day.

Cheers XD

Uhmmm well no, there isn't, but you can be damn sure that musing and the musing community will definitely appreciate your kind donation!!!!

Thank you for your service sir, we await the delegation that you have unknowingly promised to give the community!!!

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