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Well said and not only this is a nice advice but quite blunt as well. I hope all young males have read your advice.

For me, buddy, I had accepted that women are from Venus when I was of your age or younger than you.

Now, at the age of 46, many women have accepted that I am from Mars ... Lol

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I haven't asked when. You can read the question again and see that I asked "if" it passes. Thanks for the reply. Let's hope that it will do that soon,

I can read, i did see that but fact is you ask same type of question pretty much every day.

If you dig some weeks back in my feed you will see a post referencing ‘we’ve been here before... this isn’t TA this is better’. It’s a post which highlights that we already have seen several “bubble cycles”, thus that the situation is cyclical.

Bar the G20 deciding on outlawing, and of course nobody knows where the trade war goes and what impact that may have, expect Q2-Q3 next year to be possibly interesting. As for a 4-7% jump, that can still happen over night or over few days and will mean nothing. Righ now we’re still consolidating at around $6,400. A quick jump to even $6.800 may be totally irrelevant short term.

Well actually answering a seemingly stupid question with a high quality response isn't a wrong thing to do in my opinion. Especially if it is a question that might be of someone's interest.

Thank you very much @futurmind, I'm glad I'm not aline with this idea :)

Thanks for your honesty. I appreciate. Hope you don't mind if I make a screenshot of this reply? I want to use it for a blog post

I am happy for you to do that, as long as people don't look at me wrong from what I have said. :D

Not all Nigerians are scammers, but its your choice though.

I never said that. All I am trying to say that it is always a few that wreck it for everyone else. I have had some bad experiences but have nothing against the people. I am not like that. I am sure a majority of the people are like normal and are honest like in most countries around the world. Unfortunately a small percentage damaged the perception that most people now have. It will come back at one point.

Yeah, you are right.

I appreciate your honesty. I do understand that a lot of damave has been done to my country's imagine and the reality is more will be done. However I am hoping that good meaning Nigerians like myself can help level the imbalance as regards how we are perceived by the international communities

How does this answer the question raised please?

And I think that's the best approach. Stereotyping will only rub you of the opportunity of meeting the good ones. However it is important that your tread with caution

Thanks for sharing. I appreciate

Thank you!

I'm sorry for your losses. It's not easy. I have had my hair share of losses. But I'm dealing with it well, I guess.

I can relate with this. I just lost my father, however, it did not hurt as much as it did when I lost my sister. I guess traumatic experiences have a way of changing a person.

A story I can relate with. I just lost my dad about a month ago. It has been tough. Unlike yours, we did not have the opportunity to be with him during his last days on earth as he was living far away in Venezuela while we, his family live in Nigeria.

Losing a loved one is inevitable. However, no matter how glaring this might be it doesn't take a way the pain that accompanies losing someone you genuinely care about.

Interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

Yes, I did and I appreciate. Something similar happened to me yesterday when I replied a post, stating some of the fears I have about SMTs. Another steemian replied, and in the process promoted whaleshares as a better alternative that pays bloggers better. The comment was downvoted. At first, I did not have a problem with it but thinking about later in the day I thought: what's wrong in promoting other platforms on steem? but thanks for this new perspective you gave. In the process of promoting your platform, you do not need to slander another.

I couldn't find a way but wasn't sure. Thanks for confirming that for me.

The polite way to reply would be "My pleasure" of "You're welcome". However I'd have loved to give you a solution :) I'm sorry!

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