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For me the ultimate way to fight plagiarism would be for a question that is worded exactly the same way to have this happen:

  1. Disallow the question. Maybe the submit box could be grayed out until something new showed up in the text box.

If that's not possible to do, then the next option would be to:

  1. Create a blacklist of known plagiarizing accounts, as people either mention them on musing or on the discord channel.

If a blacklist is too much work:

  1. Maybe a whitelist instead. We could start out with known users on the platform and then add as people request it and are somehow screened. That would be a lot of work, too, and a pain to the good user, but if we're talking about cutting plagiarism, there needs to be a way to filter out the plagiarizing accounts.

  2. Utilize the existing list/database of questions and then frequently refer to it. I've been using the search for a question box at the top of the page, and it's taken me to questions that were made weeks if not months ago if the question is duplicated. The musing community managers/curators could type in a question before rewarding it. If it's word for word, than they merely stop rewarding those repeated questions. Eventually, those accounts might see they're not getting the benefit of the musing upvote.

  3. I'm not a fan of flagging, but done right, and maybe only given to community managers or certain users, it would be helpful. We don't need flag wars here on musing, though, and I don't know how flagging could be fairly and appropriately distributed if any users were allowed to do it without all being able to.

  4. See if these accounts are already blacklisted elsewhere and work from there. There could be some issues with someone else's list, but incorporating an existing blacklist from somewhere else on STEEM would be faster than creating one from scratch.

Things I wouldn't do:

  1. Limit the number of questions and answers a user can create, unless it's high, like a dozen a day. That probably wouldn't be of much good, anyway. However, I don't think we want to discourage prolific users from asking and answering questions. We want to discourage the plagiarism by de-incentivizing it while not doing the same for good users.

  2. Stop the musing account from upvoting all questions. Since questions drive answers, we still need them, and I think it's only fair that those who ask original and engaging questions be rewarded accordingly.

Hey.. Really thanks for answering the question. I actually had went for buying the substrate into the local aquarium, I inquired the same details I asked here and even the owner was not able to explain in proper manner.

Even I found the soil substrate too expensive and instead of buying for the whole tank I bought only around 1 kg of the soil substrate.

I added it carefully in one corner of the tank and place some pebbles to create a wall around the soil. Planted the same kind of plants shown at the right corner of the above picture.

I really hope the plants branch out their roots quickly to hold the soil in its place as I keep finding my goldfish digging the soil in search of food. (P.S. I do feed her regularly!)

I don't have the answer, but I thought I would reply to you, anyway. I've asked in musing's discord channel under bug reports, but have yet to hear anything back. I thought it might just be me. Are you using Firefox by any chance, because that's the browser I use. If it's not browser specific due to some change, then perhaps it was deliberate, but I can't think of a good reason at all for it.

I can only think of one time that a surprise of mine didn't work out so well.

In a little over a week, my wife and I will be married for 30 years.

Close to ten years ago, (so we'd been married at least 20 years by now), I wanted to do something special for her.

There's a rather nice hotel on the coast within an hour and a half drive from where we lived. Both of us had remarked that we'd like to stay there one day as we driven by it a few times on other trips. It would most likely be expensive, but since it sat on a private beach and every room faced the ocean with floor to ceiling windows, it would have a view most hotels didn't. It would be a singular experience.

Well, despite talking about it, it never happened. Rooms start at around $200 and go from there. It just seemed to be too much of an expense.

Somehow, this particular time I discovered that the hotel was discounting their rooms, which put them into the lower $100 range, like $125-$150 a night. Still more than what we would normally try to spend, but considerably cheaper than regular price.

Without telling my wife, I decided to buy the tickets. I think it was for two nights, so somewhere between $250-$300. Because of the discount, the reservations were non-refundable. I figured she would be delighted to go, so didn't think anything about it.

Well, the time came to tell her. I think it was the day before. When I did, she wasn't happy at all, but upset. She told me she didn't want to go. I told her they were on sale, that I has still spend x amount, and that they were non-refundable. We'd just lose that money.

For the first time in our marriage, she didn't care the money would be wasted. She didn't want to go. I told her we'd talked about going a few times and that I thought she would be thrilled. It was then she told me, "I'm not. I don't like surprises."

Really? I'd done other things, like brought home flowers, or even traded older cars for newer ones while she was visiting relatives to surprise her. She hadn't ever told me she didn't like surprises.

Well, we didn't go. We've still never gone. We just lost the money. I still try to surprise her now and then, mostly with a gift for Christmas or her birthday, but nothing like a trip or something like that. So far, she's not said she doesn't like surprises in those instances. I'm thinking I just caught her at a bad time. I haven't been able to muster up enough bravery to try it again. If there ever is a next time, though, if she says she doesn't want to, I'll go by myself.

I am a husband and a father. I've worked for others, been a business owner, been in church leadership roles, and participated in different kinds of activities throughout the years. While I've tried to get involved only to the point where it's useful, I can think of numerous times where I would have rather stayed on the sidelines, but didn't because I felt I should help, or realized something wasn't going to get done if I didn't either do it, or lead out.

In doing so, I can say that, for the most part, things have turned out to my satisfaction, and maybe to a lesser degree, to that of the family members, co-workers, church members, customers, schoolmates, etc., I was trying to assist or lead.

However, it does have its limits. Some people just don't want the help, no matter the results, and so helping has on occasion made things worse.

Here's a recent case in point, and a fairly mundane example to boot:

My oldest son and I are avid Oregon Duck football fans (college American football). They were playing their bowl game on New Year's Eve day. I had suggested previously that we have pizza (since that's our go to for many a game day). My son offered to get it. He wanted something of higher quality than what he thought he would get buying at Little Caesar's or Domino's, and wanted to get it from a smaller, more local pizza chain.

My wife found out he was buying it, and even though she might have been influential in him volunteering, she decided she didn't want him paying for it. At least not all of it. Or he should consider a cheaper alternative. I told him that, but even though he's just graduated from college, and neither his wife or himself have found a job since their move back here, he insisted on getting the pizza.

At one point during this process, I was going to take care of it completely. Then, at least reimburse him for some of it. But the more I tried to help, the more he pushed back. So, I gave up and let him do it.

Well, it turns out that despite me telling him it was going to be expensive, he didn't think it would be as expensive as it turned out to be. He bought one giant pizza and one large pizza, along with a 2-liter soda. He didn't tell me how much it cost, but since I've bought pizza from there before, I'm guessing it was around $50. He said later that he kind of regretted being the one to solely pay for the pizza. It wasn't like I didn't try!

As a father and a husband I've stepped into situations I'd rather not have done. I've done it in many other capacities, too. By and large, I'd say I accomplished something. Over the last few years, though, I've been trying to stay out of more and more decisions, even if it does turn out less than favorable. In the case of my son, he learned that pizza from that particular place is considerably more expensive than the larger brand alternatives, something he wouldn't have had I paid for it.

I'm not sure exactly what the lesson for him will be, but I'm hoping he'll be less anxious to buy the expensive pizza, or more willing to have someone help with the cost.

Good and direct answer mate, the knowledge and freedom that internet has given us is amazing, I'm an addict to knowledge and I could live without it either

I understand, sometimes when I want to be free, I leave all my devices and enjoy my day but I only can do that when Im on vacation because I am a developer, my work depends on the internet, in fact I wish I could live without it! xD

Hi Rok. I had to go read your comment on as I battled to open it on musing.
have I ever used steroids? No I haven't and the only steroid I was given was an injection into my Achilles tendon to help speed up the healing process. It wasn't a choice I had as the specialist had me lying on his desk and I didn't expect it. He said he was going to give me an injection, but had no idea it was steroids at the time as it can make you bloated.

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