My 2017 Achievements and Failures

in #my20177 years ago (edited)

My 2017 @anomadsoul

My 2017 actually began in the summer of 2016 when the love of my life was told that after battling prostate cancer for 10 years, it had progressed to the point that nothing more could be done and he had 6 months left to live.

From that moment on, time has all run together into one continuous stream of raw emotion for me.


By fall, it was necessary to begin hospice care. They came in for about 15 minutes a few times a week and supervised and ordered all the necessary medications and health care supplies. And we had a health care worker who came in and helped with baths and personal care twice a week, but for 6 months it was just he and I, learning together what it means to die of cancer. And we had no idea how awful it would be.

I have MS and for years he had been my care giver. He assured me that it was never a problem to haul my mobility scooter in and out of the car, and we traveled the USA together, and although time ran out before we got to all the places we wanted to go, we got to see an incredible amount of the country.


There may have been some concern from our family and friends that caring for him would be beyond my capabilities, but we proved otherwise. Our kids were all marvelous and helped and were here as often as they could be.

We moved a hospital bed into the living room, and I did not leave the house from September until he died at the end of January. Although it was the hardest thing I ever did, I could not have felt more honored that he wanted me by his side and trusted me through it all.

Coping with grief and all the adjustments I have had to make without him has filled the rest of my year. He left a huge hole in my life and in my heart.


I have probably failed in lots of ways this year, but I made it through. And there were lots of momentous son got married and I have a wonderful new daughter-in-law.

I am so thankful that I found Steem and all of you! It has truly given me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. When I share my photos with you, I am re-living all my wonderful memories, and that is helping me move forward. I debated about writing, and then about sharing this, but I have learned so much about life this past year, and I wanted to thank you all for helping me through it.




A touching story of life and love. Glad to see you can smile as big as you are.

Thanks so much, Tony. Some days are harder than others.

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Thank you so much.

So sorry for your lost i pray that the comforter comfort you, i can relate to your story,
Am glad you share this story and am glad i took time to read it, peace

Thank you so much.

<crying all over the place💖💖💖💖💖💖 what a caring, loving and telling, story you share with us all.. I thank you soo much for the trust💖....
I cant see, were you should have failed in 2017..sweets, you did just what you could and thats alll that matters :) ... Im wishing you, will have a great Christmas with love and good memories :)

Thank you so much for all tour wonderful kindness. I appreciate you so much, my friend! 💕

((((Melinda💕))))))))) Happy to be here with you💕💕💕

So sorry.

I cared for my mom till she passed in my house. With the aid of hospice I honored her wish not to go in a home etc. So hard, but was right thing to do.

It is an intense experience for everyone involved.

Wishng you all the best for 2018.

I hope the Steemit xommunity help bringa you some comfort. Xxx

Thank you for your good wishes I truly am grateful for all of you!

I think you are so brave to write this... No way you have failed; the fact that you made it through is a personal triumph and achievement. My sis also went through her husband's illness and death last year - not an easy time at all... She is still coping...
I love all your photographs here, they are beautiful memories... so glad you have wonderful memories to hold on to!! Am so glad you are here too... 💕🌼

It was really hard to write. This will be my first Christmas without him. Hugs for your sister. It is so hard. I make it through, day by day.

Thank you very much, Melinda...
Well, you know we are all here for you... and there are lots of us too! :)
Yup, day by day... step by step...

Aww you are really brave for talking about this and going through all of this. Both you and your husband found great, loving partners in each other. God bless.

Thanks so much. It was hard to write, but I'm so glad I did. I appreciate your kindness.

Oh my goodness, Melinda, what a soul touching story. I can see on your photos and feel from your words what a wonderful couple you were and how much love you shared. It always breaks my heart when two wonderful people find each other, but they must say goodbye too soon. Life can be so cruel sometimes. Well, I guess there is complexity of many reasons for everything and maybe soul lessons, but only God knows exactly. However, life also gives us lots of things to be happy about and that we need to focus on. Family, friends, nature and in our case Steemit. We are here to supprt each other and I am so glad to be here with you. Sending lots of love to you and your family 🌸💖🌸

Thanks so much for your kind words, dear friend. He was a wonderful guy and I will always miss him.

I can only imagine Dear Melina, stay strong 🌸💖🌸

Your story drove tears into my eyes, dear Melinda! It makes me feel sorry, when I see and read the beautiful couple the two of you were, knowing that you lost him. I know it is no consolation for you, but I think your husband passed away as a lucky man with a loving and caring woman like you at his side.
I wish you all the best for the years to come, my dear friend!

Thank you so much, Patrick. I struggle each day trying to create a life without him. You have no idea how much I appreciate your friendship.

thank you for sharing that would not easy, but it gets easy to find a strength, and then you are again on your shape.

Thank you for your kind words.

i have probably failed in alot of ways but i've made it through

Love kid!
Great piece

Your post was Resteemed by @OCD!

Thank you for caring.. You have filled my day with holiday joy.

So sorry for your loss. I just couldn't imagine what you've been through, emotionally, mentally and financially... so glad we're friends on steemit.

Auto immune diseases are awful. And doing it alone now must be frightening at times.
Blessings to you

Thank you for understanding that it is frightening. I anm pretty overwhelmed a lot of the time.

This is so beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss, but your positivity and your loving soul shines through all of this. I can't imagine how hard that all was to go through, but you've done it and come out the other side. Thank you so much for sharing your reality with us.

Thank you so much for your kind words. It was the hardest thing I ever did, but such a privilege to be alone with him, holding his hand, when he took his last breath.

I'm sure that he was incredibly comforted having you there. <3

There are no words for a loss like that! I am sending you a big hug and rays of sunshine from my heart to yours!

Thank you! And I appreciate it very much! This is a hard time of year.

Your story is sad and, unfortunately, true. I am very sorry for what has happened and I can say that I am ashamed now by my postings that seem to illustrate a life without trouble. Life is unexpected and unfair to some of us. I'm very sorry you've been through such a drama. I hope in all my heart that your children and friends will succeed in helping you overcome this loss

In doing ok. One day at a time. Some days are better than others and life goes on. I only wish he was here for it. Thank you for your kind words.

That's fine, you're an intelligent woman and you're doing exactly the right thing.

Oh you gave me teary eyes at 5:30 AM..It must had been difficult emotionally and physically for you, as well as for your late husband.

I like the photo of you and him in front of the lake! Beautiful couple!

Thanks, Icy. I miss him so much.

You are a beautiful lady! God bless you ♥ @melinda010100

Thank you.💕

What a beautiful tribute to your marriage, life and love of your life. You made a very lovely couple and had some great memories to carry you through.

I can only imagine how difficult this was for you and him. You said

When I share my photos with you, I am re-living all my wonderful memories, and that is helping me move forward.

Writing is great therapy and you definitely have a lot of friends here Melinda.

Thank you for sharing your heart with me.

Thanks for your sweet words. 💕

I have told you how happy I was to find you back and I honestly look forward to seeing a post or knowing about you here one way or the other, yes I had to adjust as well (believe it or not) that it's one of you now. Through and through, I'm happy of your bravery and thrilled that you're in Steemit. It's a blessing and I admire you through all you have gone through (and still are with your personal, as well as emotional challenges) always so positive. 💓

PS I see NO FAILURE. Just deep challenges.

Thanks so much , my dear friend. ❤

Melinda, having been through what you have been through, there is no way that you have failed at all this year.

Thanks for your sweet words. They mean a lot to me.

I love you Melinda you have my support you know your precious husband is in your heart and always will be, I'm so sorry for your loss its so sad, gone to soon. You are a magnificent woman my heart is with you❤️

Thanks so much, dear friend. It is so hard without him.

I can't even fathom the pain you are going through I'm so happy you got on steemit and it makes you happy I'm here for you❤️❤️

Awww....made my eyes water. What a beautiful inspiring story. I wish you well and more happiness this coming year, Melinda. One love <3

Thanks, dear Jerryl! ❤

You are an amazing person @melinda010100 and stronger than you give yourself credit for!! I did hospice for my mom and I know how hard it can be and I'm thankful to have had that time with her. It is awesome that you got to travel so much and have all of those wonderful memories and I thank you for sharing those here! Many blessings to you and your family! xoxo

Thanks for your kind words.❤❤

You're very welcome!!

my beautiful friend.png I'm so honored to know you my brave and sweet friend, your story brings me tears and I'm so sorry you had to suffer this...though it's an evidence that you are a bold and positive spirit and a sweet wonderful heart, I'm proud of you ^_^

Aww. Thanks so much, dear Barbara. It is the love that I have received that make the pain of writing this worthwhile. And Luigi hugs are the best!