My2018 - Leaving a letter against anti trust "how the steem blockchain can help creatives to cooperate on innovation for social good"

in #my20187 years ago

Hi, I am Jean but my friends and parents named me Rajiv, you can find more about me here and even more here or there.

The most of the people who are meeting me are thinking and even telling me, this guy seems always to be in hollidays, whatever he does. And I confess by laughing, it's true.

#HackingUbiquitousInteractiveSocioTechnicalSystem or your heart <3 It is what I am doing in my spear time.

Sometimes with my friends we are playing thugs. =D

I am not really an anarchist, but well a civil society activist (see more on @opt2o). :P

Or Hacktivist?

(Image courtesy from the internet)

we could think I like to play digital Jesus Gangsta style in my spear time... LOOL.

#BankBank #Selfie #Bankster for a Solidarityworld, just an inside joke or?

Or Bob or Hendrix?

as well as the crazy dr wizard

Most of the time I am just dominated by the situation or creativity LOOL.

Jean, what about the future? UnitedGroups? The HyperTalk? Break Digital Divide? COJI internationale? Next Generation Internet? The Internet of Things Network, @GenerationEuropa, @opt2o, Internet of Communities, Urban Creatives, Solidarityworld, Internet of Ideas and now, @leave-a-letter, what more?...

Busy skype channels of SolidarityWorld coordinated by @bialbo.

Isabelle president of BreakDigitalDivide.

Where is it all going?

My hobby is about sharing smiles with the people I am meeting along my path. Lately it becames making the global school. It allows me to dive into an infinite universe of co-creation to do everything I am able and aiming to within one hobby which is bringing all these social initiatives together. Merging all visions of past, present and future within a culture of understanding the world in an inclusive, open, empowering, trusting and resilient way.

The world in which I came to life, seemed to be divided in a very old universe hidden by a newly recent ancient world in which acquisition and power seemed to have a sense, probably not totally understood as if we would have to escape from it such as from a pandora box and read from outside: “Power enable a differential component which allows to understand it. Release of power, interoperability”. Such meaning surely motivated pre-existing understanding and willing to not disappear, and a new world dreamed to take the time and ways for its expression to become ubiquitous.

Most of my friends creatives and entrepreneurs are knowing a lot of difficulties on their path, due to power, trust and engament.

Each problem has its lot of solutions, and I believe we are all people of good will having the heavy tasks to run our life with its lot of stresses in the middle of the chaos of small group dynamics.

As we all know, creating a capability system force us to develop a huge amount of new skills or to be able to delegate and count on the initiative and responsability to be taken over by the contributors. However, this requires to have into the focus the human factor and how to valorize it properly for the good of each and for the prosperity of the community and self.

We all know the difficulties of launching/managing our own projects/companies/organization/social ideas and implementing trust or community engagement, is what we all need to be sustainable and keep our colleagues and friends engaged in making the effort and its rewards enjoyable to share.

I imagined the @globalschool for such cases we all are going throught and being able to implement proper rewards systems that can self sustain our various ideas and organizations.

A lot of people on my way explained that social commitment is not a work and we should volunteers only while we can afford it. I always thought this is for my point of view wrong and always explained myself that in order to have institutions we needed people to take over the tasks to make those frame to host people such as employees, workers, social workers and volunteers and provide them the best work environment to support a quality life for the contributors whatever their status. Such establishment activities can be huge and take full time dedication. However I couldn't reply to such claim, because I don't want to convince anybody, just provide if possible a demonstration accessible for my friends from whatever sun they are.

What is my hobby?

#WhatNUU? Idea Machine Gründer und #InternetofIdeas Tischmoderator Jean im Gespräch mit Künstler Christian von der neu gelaunchten Art Factory Vienna und Leopold, Initiator des #OpenLandLab sowie Sängerin Jacquline. Symbiosium organized by @opt2o in 2015 at Nuu Gallery Wien.

For me, the global school is a multisided work environment craft continuously co designed and co created as a tool for self and collective awareness and emancipation. A multicultural interactive heritage for the society of today to learn how to co-create and co-design the world in which we are all living in. It is an interactive map of the world that makes usable all those places and people that offer learning, entrepreneurship and development by a co-creative process.

Today, it's a kind of open talent and people management initiative accessible locally in Vienna in different places and remotely by internet. @globalschool and participants are slowly able of coming up with creative ideas, systems, solutions and services for steemians using reward systems that can self sustain the communities members and creators while increasing visibility for steemians and generating cross communities synergies.

This happens by a multicultural and transgenerational dialog, through crypto education, development of cryptoart based lifeforms which are kind of autonomous reward systems to allow and foster cooperation between people and communities. It is helping social ideas, participatory ideas/project holders and community oriented projects to be more self sustainable (without depending on a (“guru-like”) person as a leader). They achieve sustainability in order to allow those communities to focus on synergies and cooperation with others.

As in my case - probably others too -, I am one of those who will not pretend that he is a professional in anything. I stopped school at the age of 14, I have no diploma and noone until now really contracted me with a proper contract as freelancer.

Hopefully I am meeting some mindful persons on my way helping to make positive changes and not only reflected in my life but also with positives impact on a lot of others.

On the path towards the @globalschool with @wolfgangsiberth 2016.

As much as I am trying to understand others and myself, It seems my life and hobby are participating in the deconstruction of power structures and conventional social architectures to let place to more ubiquitous social initiative and responsibility: making isolated (social) agents act as team player - from a deeply rooted defense mechanism, nearly systemic, deprecating safety principle, from system to social design - a societal defense protocol which brings us using an old pattern to self-destruction and social diseases while going through judgement of others, escaping from our core, creating banishment and deletion. We learned judging the other, we didn't learned about what escape it was towards our collective responsibilities.

Communities of practices and talents are isolated until the moment they are self sufficient. However I believe we shouldn’t have to wait to be self sufficient by our self to allow ourselves to commit to the prosperity of the community. It is unfortunate to become philanthropist because we can afford it. We should have the choice. We should be able to mindfully take it as our own duty before the self. Self would benefit from a real community empowerment through individual interactions and collective recognition.

As my father before me I am a cleaner. I took a long time to understand what my father meant as everyone knows him as a social entrepreneur, and in between, I took it literally. Yes, sometimes I need to immerse in something to understand all its senses as I can. No, my father is not literally a cleaner and I took my lifetime to understand it or to interpret it as following. Today I believe what my father ment is that he was there to clean the number of my errors as well as those of our families and in general societies made who aware or not made some choices in the past and now, it is or should be the time to clean in order for the new society to be prosperous. That is why I believe he engaged himself in helping others for all the period of life I get to know him.

Maybe cleaning means for him making the space to allow participation in making the world as everyone needs as slowly the dreams of the past are letting the space to new opportunities and challenges that can be tackled only by fresh minds.

Maybe I am just an utopist and a dreamer.

We dont see the world as it, we see the world as who we are. Mr Tominaga (V.P. NICT) and me. #FutureInternet Symposium - Tampere Oct. 2010

Today, to be sure I can afford my hobby and be available up to 6 days a week to commit to it, for sometimes already 1 or 2 times a week I am helping @manncpt to manage the HugInnVienna, but also helping some young couples and families who need support to clean their houses. I know for a lot of people it is the last thing they would do, but actually cleaning brings me a lot of peace and serenity and allowed me to take the time for example to spend on my hobby. Then in december supported by my friend @manncpt, I joined steemit where I discovered that cooperation which allows each others to be rewarded was effectively possible and slowly I get some rewards for sharing my hobby, that is how I am involving my friends and people I am meeting along.

I used Blocktrades to trade my steemit rewards from the format of cryptocurrency in exchange of life transformation tools. And as I hope the blockchain will not create a new kind of oligarchy but really enable bottom up social innovation to happen, I already invested a certain part of my rewards in the following community projects accounts:


each of this account has its own community project proposal and reward system(s) to empower entrepreneurship and creativity (I posted already some of them, the other proposals will be available soon depening on how much time I can dedicate to them). Fortunately and thanks to my activities as serial steemer, I met on steemit supportive people such as @mammasitta, @stellabelle, @alexandravart, @twinner,@lizanomadsoul, @shortcut, @irwanumpal and many others who by their dedication inspired me and grown my interest for steemit as a tool to foster the changes I believe in with the help of collectives such as and friends.

I also get the occasion to offer my friend @jonas.scheiner who is a busy artist an account. Jonas accepted to join steemit as I would like to give him the chance to demonstrate to his friends and collective it is worth for them to join this blockchain based platform to install a reward system which would allow them to be more independent from funding grants.

Why do I feel passion about my hobby?

The most of my friends working in the technology field believe working at google or microsoft would be the best, as well as they could create themselves such institutions, we all need more empowerement and trust in our selves and not to depend on big companies to employ us when we can create this work opportunities.

A lot of entrepreneurs (social or not) need help in order to make the right choices , to let really the place for others to participate and take over responsabilities and intitiative, it requires effective need assessments tools and strategies which are not accessible obviously to everyone as it would require the flexibility to transpose concepts froma number of literacies. It is changing people to have to deal with power and most of us are struggling while expressing trust and engagement or participation to our own self development. So while is the topic of community, collectives, or business, organizations or societies we would need everyone to be able to take part to the planning of all of this in order to make everyone concerned and not delegate power responsibilities. Emancipation of such constructions seems to be a luxury, for which fortunate and lucky people need to stand to allow others to be who they really are, not hungry for power, but expressing honestly their need for recognition for their values. The only thing for which the blockchain will really revolutionize the world will not be the cryptocurrency, but probably a system of reward for self and collective awareness and participation.

Did I choose my path, my life, my hobby? I can’t reply objectively as I can’t remember when all of this started exactly. What I can say is today and everyday I am choosing this mindfully, however I am also one of those claiming that we are all heavily influenced by group dynamics and doctrines.

To be honest I think I always have been doing this, as it has been a path towards emancipation which allowed me to learn continuously.

What I love about my hobby is to see the people who participated to the @globalschool enjoying to achieve their goals, smiling after the moment they overcame an obstacles and found their path to succeed in what they are doing. One example which happened lately is that the last group of participant continued to assume the tasks they started and didn't finish during their stay to pursue them by their own will and kept contact with the team. Another oldtimer became mentor while still finishing school and started to involved her friends who didn't get the chance to be initiated to the crypto-education workshops. These are 2 examples of the impact which makes me feel all the efforts is well spent.

All of this is not happening without its lot of stresses and obstacles. Maybe I feel comfortable in a stress which brings positives outcomes. I am truly enjoying the challenge of cooperation. Maybe I am feeding myself with these challenges as opportunities to grow.

Introvert, I am practicing everyday to overcome my fears and empower others. I need diversity to be able to do everything I need to do to express myself.

As my hobby is all my life, I am always trying to invite everyone joining, I worked at the beginning with my father until the moment I realized my ideas needed to find their own path, and having a supportive dad, he has been strong enough to let me find my way. I met thanks to this travel towards emancipation of the family territory a lot of people I would have never met. And exciting experiences which would not be even possible to think about.

I dont see any difference between my hobby and the rest of my life. Sometimes I feel like I am an alien who is trying to share its world habits to the world he is traveling through, sometimes I feel that humans are adopting me like my father and my friends did. Sometimes I still feel alone in the middle of the universe, but I know, I met and I will meet on my way friends who will remind me by their joy and confidence, that is worth the effort of feeling alone when it has changed even for one moment the perception my friend get on a world on which they thought they couldn't design by themselves.

This month with my friends @alexandravart, @irwanumpal, @wolfgangsieberth, @manncpt, some ngos such as @opt2o and @generationeuropa, and collectives such as and friends we are initiating @frameworks, the first cryptoart autonomous space lifeform with the goal to be self sustainable, care about its contributors by providing rewards systems to ensure its prosperity and the one of the community and neighborhood as well as to reproduce itself on a global scale.

@frameworks already hosted its first steemit-meetups as you can discover on previous posts and will soon announce a serie of forthcoming of steemit, cryptoart and steem blockchain related activities.

@frameworks blueprint based on Idea Factory (transitional project towards the Idea Machine Wien) endorsed by the Internet of Things Europe, the MA18 (Vienna City Budget Planning Agency) and Smart City Wien .

@frameworks, aims to provide spaces for co-creation, dedicated to entrepreneurship and creativity empowerement. Inviting, artists, changemakers, creatives, travelers, online communities and digital nomads to meet. It is a project which again merge crypto art, education, network learning, crowd intelligence, participatory budgeting, steem blockchain, and mechatronics. It will be a wonderful occasion to cooperate with the IOT Network, COJI Internationale, SolidarityWorld and steemians within hackathons that we can deploy via, a great adventure to go through. As it is a place combining creative residence, guest-house, coworking space as well as hosting the @globalschool activities locally, it will be a great chance to meet and invite, learn and cooperate with a lot of people from around the world.

I had the opportunity to initiate the @globalschool and now @frameworks because I was trusting myself and the experience I went through, and because I get the luck to look for the best surrounding to support me and be able to commit. Yes, I needed and will need to make a lot of compromises, to be far from my family, the ones I love, my friends to be able to meet new friends. I will need to stand and ask for help, hopefully I learned to ask and supported I can take the time to explain what is happening and how everyone could live out of such hobby.

@frameworks and @globalschool would never exist without the huge contributions and efforts of many friends and daily support and empowerement.

Because my life always has been a hobby in whatever I do, I get the luxury to do things which seemed impossible and inaccessible as dreams. As you will discover within my posts, my hobby is allowing me to cooperate with wonderful people, amazing creatives and artists, changemakers, invent solutions to improve the world of my friends and even if it doesnt work all the time, its worth investing everything I can in these ideas and smiles.

Team of the Global Youth Exchange 2016 coordinated by @generationeuropa.

Meeting Larissa (Co founder of TedX Vienna and from Girls'NCode) invited to join the community kitchen project of the @globalschool at Co-Space in 2017.

There is so much more I would like to share with you about this hobby, but it would take chapters and tomes of books to be sure I am not forgetting the most relevant, which everything I am starting and finishing to write seems like having escaped from the lines, hopefully you'll find the rest and more between the lines and within my other posts.

Hope my article will inspire you and give me the chance to know more about you who took the time to read. Thank you for your time and attention exploring my hobby, life and passion.

Thanks to #blocktrades and to @anomadsoul and friends to offer this opportunity to share our hobby and empowering the community!

With a lot of love,


This is really a long post @jnmarteau. But I managed to read everything. You will never be alone with your hobbies. That is clear. One day we have to write a big book about all of this. ;)

Great post @jnmarteau, thank you for mentioning us! :)

Nice post my friend...