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RE: The End Of A Cycle

in #nature6 years ago

You could tell that it was at the end of it's life cycle.

Interesting to know...I had one "end its journey" on my patio. I didn't know this was the order of things. It indeed was a special blessing to see this creature lay prostrate for hours without moving...presumably just waiting time out.

I thought that it might be injured so I gave it some sugar water. It partook. I even put it in the fridge to help stabilize it to recovery. All efforts were to no avail as it inevitably moved on to the next leg of the journey...time served in earthly form.

Thanks for this post. After much research I learned that their life cycle is relatively short. Henceforth, should I encounter such, I will do all to resist interfering with the natural order of things.



It is so incredible. The distance traveled by these guys is impressive. At the end....they simply slowdown until they stop. It is very touching. I mean they are beautiful and look healthy, and then gone. They seem to set a real example of dying gracefully, which in my opinion humans have lost touch of. Be well.

which in my opinion humans have lost touch of.

Yes...nothing more natural; but the health insurance economy makes its 'convenient' to interrupt the process...kinda' like I did the day this mystical creature landed in my midst to share this part of the journey with me. I didn't tell you; but, they atrophy beautifully as well. Yes, I found a way to 'immortalize' it. I thought it deserved more than a toss or burial; though, in the big scheme of life and death this would have been a far more natural process.

Visiting Mexico to see their final return is on my 'bucket' list.

Best regards...and again, thanks for sharing!
