Those of you who have been following me for a while know how excited I was to receive my serger! Threading it is the biggest task in getting started with this machine. There's no denying that the thing looks quite intimidating. After breaking it out and beginning the threading process, my roommate walked past, saw it and goes, "what the heck?" Haha! I had similar thoughts upon first glance, but I've since found out it's not nearly as intimidating as it seems.

While I did have one hang up - the thread broke so I had to re-thread the needle- the set up time was very minimal. I was expecting a longer process but because the machine is color coded where the threading goes, it made it very easy to set up. Part of what made it so easy was the machine being partially threaded. This allowed me to just tie in each spool of thread, making a small tight knot and cutting the excess off of each line. In order to ensure the threads wouldn't snap while running them through the machine, I used the hand crank to slowly work them through. This was the longest and most tedious part of the process.
I used the example piece of fabric that came under the foot of the serger as the test for my first seam. The best way I can think of to describe how it runs is like butter! I had been saving the pair of organic undies I'd cut out for when I set up the serger. So those were the first project completed with this beast of a machine. Although I really wanted to just use my sewing machine to complete the same time, I really wanted to wait. It was more than worth it for beautiful seams that stretch.
I could not get a decent photo of the seams themselves, but take a peek at how they turned out:

I do not know the term serger... but from the photo I guess it is like a overlock? If yes, then I am little envious :-D I like to sew jearsey skirts (and trying to sew a shirt) and an overlock would be super helpful. But around here they are very expensive and my working space is so small, that my normal sewing machine fits hardly ....
Thank you for sharing :-D
Yes it's the same as an overlock! I understand your woes! My working space is small but I've decided that if I let that hold me back I'll never get anything done. So I'm trying to work with that aspect of it in the best way I can. I hadn't used one before yesterday and am thoroughly impressed with it! It's like 8x faster than a normal sewing machine, although there's extra work involved with finishing the threads (you have to tuck them afterwards or something)
I got a decent deal on it too. I probably shouldn't have splurged on it being the ameteur that I am, but this is what I want to do :-) I am passionate about it and not regretting my decision in the least.
Thank you for your continued support @neumannsalva. Angel on earth you are! ♡
Wishing you luck on your skirt project. I will also probably try my hand a skirt today.
I am curious to see what you will make with this new machine. I always think that the garments look more professional when done with an overlock/serger. But I am still so frightened by sewing and skirts are right now my limit, that another machine is not necessary. But perhaps I will dare more (soon....) I want to try buttonholes, because I want to reinforce my knitted button-bands on cardigans, but I still do not understand my machine ... (I won it in a bookstore :-D)
This is my working place... a bit crowded :-D

Your machine looks really daunting! But you based on what you wrote you are sure up to the task, I'm not familiar with it or its work but if it works on stretchy material then its a total keeper.
Nice word threading it even though your needle cut.
It does work on stretchy material, & furthermore it creates seams that have a lot of stretch to them. It works much better than just using a zig zag stitch for stretchy material on a regular sewing machine. It looks far more professional. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your comment @wondermaey ♡
I grew up with many sewing machines around watching my mother work on various projects. She has always wanted to get a serger but never did. It does look complicated at first glance but I’m glad you figured it out. Color coded machines are always great to have for an easier set up! Looks like they turned out as you wanted them to! Great job and thanks for sharing~ 😊
Looks good. I took about a day to work out a simple sewing machine that looks complex haha. Unfortunately my ex kept it so I no longer have one, on the ever growing list of things to source 💯🐒
I too am jealous of your serger! So cool making your own undergarments. I love that your roommate was baffled by the machine. 😂