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RE: Sewing a Chubby Pleated Shoulder Bag [ENG-IND]

I am so liking all your bags , they all look pretty nice and lovely, the book you learnt from , I can't read the language but hopefully I could also see something about it on YouTube.
Also that machine lol! Its the exact kind I have, I newly bought it, its not up to a year. Yeah, its a pretty bad ass machine. Nice work @horazwiwik


Thank you very much @wondermaey! You know, I can't read the languange of the book either, but the good thing about craft book from Taiwan is, the tutorial uses real photos and the steps are pretty clear to me. It is different from most of Japanese craft books which do not use real photos.
You do have the exact kind of machine? Hahaha, I thought I am the only one who still has such machine :D