Sage for Arthritis: A Herbal Treatment to Heal the Arthritis Using Medicinal Herbs

in #neoxian3 years ago

Sage is considered a multifaceted herb with multiple therapeutic properties. It has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine for hundreds of years as a treatment for a range of conditions including asthma, diarrhea, heart disease, migraines, epilepsy, impotence, liver problems, motion sickness and sexual dysfunction. It has been shown to improve circulation and increase blood flow to the brain and spinal cord. It is said to stimulate the kidneys and to encourage the production of bile. In fact sage tea was once recommended as a cure for high blood pressure.


Scientifically it is a derivative of several aromatic chemicals found in plants. Its chemical composition is identical to that of the aromatic compounds marjoram, mint and eucalyptus. It is a powerful antiseptic and a powerful antioxidant that has a powerful effect on bacteria and fungus. Scientific studies have shown sage to have antibiotic, antifungal and anti parasitic properties. In medical trials sage was shown to have an ability to protect the heart from arrhythmia and its effects on cholesterol levels have been proven scientifically.

The key benefits of using sage in Ayurvedic treatment are encouraging the body to remove harmful toxins, inducing detoxification, promoting bile flow and improving the functions of the kidney and liver. However sage also contains powerful natural pain relievers which can be useful when one is experiencing discomfort. There are two forms of sage: wild Mexican and American types. Western Mexico sage originates from the mountains of Tabasco and Jalisco while American sage comes mostly from the western part of Colorado. Either way sage is beneficial for treating a wide range of conditions and is widely used as a natural alternative to over-the-counter and prescription pain management medication in both the US and the UK.

When used as a treatment for arthritis, sage relieves pain by virtue of its effective ability to reduce swelling. This reduction of swelling helps to make the joints in the body more lubricated and less painful. A study on sage showed that sage inhibits the enzyme that is responsible for the formation of clotted blood in the joints.


Other uses for sage include its use as a cough suppressant. It is commonly used as an herbal remedy for children suffering from asthma, as it contains high amounts of tannin. Clinical studies have revealed that sage is effective in decreasing the symptoms of asthma when used as a treatment.

In Chinese medicine sage is used for treating a wide range of ailments. It is effective against colds and coughs. Its soothing qualities help people who suffer from sore throats and coughs. It is also used to treat sinus problems as it relives congestion. In Indian homeopathy sage is used as a treatment for toothaches and is also recommended for people suffering from bronchitis.

Although sage has many positive effects it can also cause side effects. It can have an allergic reaction in some people. This is due to a chemical known as thymol which is found in sage. This chemical can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Also people with glaucoma and certain forms of cancer should not consume sage. sage also contains methyl salicylate which can be harmful to people with glaucoma and other forms of cancer.


It is important to understand the proper way of using sage. It must always be taken in a carefully planned formulation. When suffering from an illness or in extreme cases it is advisable to consult a naturopath for a treatment plan that will address your specific needs.

One way to use sage for arthritis is to mix a small amount in warm water and drink this twice daily. Another way to make use of sage for arthritis is to boil a handful of sage in half liter of water. Allow the mixture to cool down and then drink this twice daily. You can also take a teaspoonful of this herb powder every night and mix it in your warm milk. Drinking sage tea is also a great treatment for arthritis in many people.


The active ingredients found in sage are menthol, eugenol, and camphor. These ingredients are very powerful and have excellent anti inflammatory properties. It is also widely believed that sage can be used in the treatment of other diseases since it contains calcium and magnesium. Some naturopaths even believe that sage tea can increase your immunity system by fighting free radicals.

There are many other benefits of sage but its most important function is to provide a natural painkiller. In fact it has been used as a medicine for thousands of years. It has been widely acclaimed as one of nature's best medicinals. It is also used extensively as an herb for appetite suppression, respiratory problems, anxiety and depression.