Moving the Needle in COVID-19 Lockdown Social Media Marketing

in #neoxian5 years ago


The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown is unprecedented in the history of the World. We are all stuck at home, and the computer has become our window to the World. How can we better meet, market to and serve our audience through social media during the COVID-19 lockdown?

People are using the internet to shop (Amazon), talk (Facebook) and meet (Zoom). How can we open our sales channels to take advantage of this new marketing World? We need to learn to optimize these same channels being used and maximize our understanding of their inner workings.

The first key is to use traditional social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube to find our audience. As a marketer, one must understand the cost to find a single lead and how to differentiate between cold and hot leads. We want to find a balance between cold leads that may lead nowhere and hot leads that are ready to buy.

The second step is to develop quality content to market our products. Create a 15-20 minute video that details your product's features. This video is for hot leads and should attract attention. Cold leads can be diverted to other media channels.

With these things in mind, take the reigns and move forward. This is a new age of marketing and you need to adapt.

Picture from Pixabay.